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Call of Dream The Swords and Beasts of Gardoon

Author Name: Scorpion King Tale | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

Step into the enchanting world of Gardoon, where magical artifacts and colossal beasts exist with secrets hidden beneath every shadow. In the isolated town of Mandrook, surrounded by an invisible wall that protects it, a perplexing phenomenon grips its inhabitants - the people start to walk unconsciously with their hands raised. Who built that magical wall and from whom does the town need protection? Why are the people walking with their hands raised?

Ethan's mind used to be captured by two things - Lily and nature's decay. But the recent mysterious events have left him in a confused place. He believes he is the only sane person, but he is mistaken. The mysterious events of the story unfold, and the characters find themselves in a web of uncertainty, encountering giant creatures and peculiar events that shed light on their town's history and magic. What is happening in this small and invisible part of Gardoon? Well, the answer lies within your grasp.

Discover the truth shrouded within the mysteries of Mandrook, in the magical world of Gardoon. Welcome to the enchanting realm of Gardoon!

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Scorpion King Tale

Thought and imagination – such powerful abilities of our brain, aren't they?

Scorpion King Tale's books serve as an avenue for this exploration. The author is adept at crafting fantasy and fictional worlds. Yet, the human mind's potential knows no bounds. Our mind encompasses both the darkest and brightest aspects, waiting to be awakened. We choose which aspect to awaken.

We are the Kings and Queens of our Lives, aren't we? The author, the King of his imaginary world, tells the tales with boundless thoughts and imaginations. Welcome to his realm!

