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Computational Thinking with Blockly Games a step-by-step guide for young learners

Author Name: Dr Ashok Banerji | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Nonfiction | Other Details

The first book to teach coding to children, before starting to use Scratch and drag-and-drop block programming

Many parents want to teach their children about coding but often do not know where to begin or what to cover. The idea for this book evolved to precisely address this need. It is meant for kids and anyone who wants to learn the basics of computer programming and Computational Thinking. Welcome to the world of Computational Thinking for y



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Dr Ashok Banerji

Ashok Banerji, MTech, PhD, SMACM
has a distinguished career in academics teaching educational technology, multimedia and computing at the University of Teesside, Singapore Polytechnic, Jones International University and the University of Liverpool Online. He introduced many teachers to the wonderland of educational technology. His passion is teaching Computational Think



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