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While waiting for the world to end

Author Name: Nehru Sathiamoorthy | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Fiction | Other Details

Kundan Than did not lead a remarkable life. All that Kundan aimed for in life is to be happy and the only way he knew how to be happy is by doing what he thought was right. Regardless of whether he was doing his job, hanging out with his friends or fighting over a parking spot, it was the question of what is the right thing to do that is always running at the back of his mind. Kundan never did manage to win any race, build anything great or find much fortune, pleasure or fame. His life in fact, was so bereft of momentous events, that he would only care to look back at it with interest when he finds himself at the world’s end. When he looks back however, although what he will find is just a series of ordinary events, which meant almost nothing when it happened, it will mean everything in the end.


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Nehru Sathiamoorthy

Nehru Sathiamoorthy had a very interesting 2023.  In February,a letter he wrote was published nationally. In March, he was hired as a columnist for a national publication. By June, he was making more as a writer than in his day job. By October, his articles had been featured in half a dozen publications, domestically and internationally. In November, he published his first book. Here is to 2024. 

