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Yogi, Thithi, Karana and Indu Lagna

Author Name: Tirupur S. Gopalakrishnan | Format: Paperback | Genre : BODY, MIND & SPIRIT | Other Details

The intellectual history of mankind admits that man is the principal figure and that the earth on which he lives is the centre of the universe is wholly in tune with the crystallized concept of microcosm and macrocosm. Such a human is inclined to accept that his life is influenced by the components of the Universe, of stars and planets termed Astrology. The famous Astronomer-cum-Astrologer Varahamihira pays extraordinary compliments to a worthy Astrologer who, in his view, should know practically all branches of knowledge under the Sun, and be a guide, philosopher, and teacher of society. Every individual is psychologically interested and inclined to know his destiny of fortune and seeks the help of Astrology as a foreteller in the form of a personal consultation or through books on Astrology authored by valuable personalities.

This book titled ‘Thithi, Yogi, and Karana’ is Unique as it has been presented in an elaborate form covering all essentials including ‘Indu Lagna’ and ‘Zero Sign’ with illustrations including ‘Yogi’ and ‘Ava Yogi (Evil monger). It is needless to say the reader can never find a book equivalent to this which has covered all the five limbs ‘Pancha – anga’ interlaced with ‘Yogi’ ‘Ava-Yogi’, Indu Lagna and Zero Signs (Dagdha Rashis) – the subjects that were never so elaborately dealt by any other author than Guruji Tirupur S. Gopalakrishnan who has more than 60 book titles to his credit.

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Tirupur S. Gopalakrishnan

Tirupur S. GopalaKrishnan (GK) is an exponent in all forms of astrology. Not only that. He authors books on various topics and techniques of astrology. He shares openly the nuances of his astrological expertise and experience for the benefit of his readers whom he might not have even met. His lucid narrations coupled with simple and crafty rules and procedures guide and enlighten the reader. They teach the beginner and sharpen the experienced. GK, as he is affectionately called, conducts regular classes on different disciplines of astrology and holds annual astrological seminars.

He has prepared the astrological software for both the system and for the mobile phone users. They are simple and self-explanatory and easy to operate. He has penned books on the Chandra Naadi, Medical astrology, Jamakol Prasannan, Predictive techniques of Transit planets and Degree wise proximity of planets in English and about 48 books in Tamil. His books decode the unknown of astrological secrets and also offer new insights to the already known facts. This makes the predictions easier, simpler and accurate. It will not be an exaggeration if one says that GK is a one-stop solution for all astrological knowledge and needs and a milestone in astrological writings. In a nutshell, he practices and preaches astrology.



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