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Abstractions Creatures of the Mind

Author Name: de Brahmn | Format: Paperback | Genre : Philosophy | Other Details

It is not the who or how or what, it is only, when you are ready.No matter what you think, you will find an echo in this; not an expression of hubris, an admission of our collective humanity, acknowledgement of the exhaustible nature of existance.

Abstractions: Creatures of the Mind, is a timely point-meditation on some of the most pressing issues for individuals, political structure, economies and science. Philosophical reflections on our times

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de Brahmn

Born in Calcutta, raised in the forests of the Indo-Gangetic planes, to find a spiritual home in the Nilgiris. In the traditions of the wandering hermit, the author has lived and worked in three continents, returning to trace the steps of childhood back along the Ganga to the foothills of the Himalaya.

In his outer journey he has been a management consultant and has run his own ven



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