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Bitcoin Magnet

Author Name: Sunil Aggarwal | Format: Paperback | Genre : Business, Investing & Management | Other Details

My name is Bitcoin. It's been eight years since Satoshi Nakamoto gave birth to me and vanished soon after. He left me, but not alone; I had a new company with thousands of developers. Then, somebody bought two pizzas by paying with 10,000 units of me. I started travelling. Somebody first bid $1 to own me. The bidding continued and my value went up due to my popularity. I have been declared dead 129 times and I don’t know how I’m still alive. Why do I exist? My creator told everyone that I’m “peer to peer electronic cash”, nothing more and nothing less. Some people see me as the real promise of monetary freedom; freedom from casino capitalism; freedom from rent-seeking intermediaries; a harbinger of a utopian world. Is this true? To be honest, I don’t know, I’m not supposed to know. Netflix considers me an alternative payment method and their executives say that the company will save tons of money by avoiding transaction and conversion fees. Somebody told me that my value is over $2000 and I’ll be valued at $10,000 within the next decade. I am here to represent the truth and my truth comes from my life. Wherever there is truth, there is trust. Wherever there is trust, there is growth. Am I precious? I don’t know. Am I for world peace or world religion? I don’t think that I have any goals. I am just here to exist. My name is Bitcoin


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Sunil Aggarwal

Sunil Aggarwal is a philosopher-entrepreneur. After teaching Political Science and International Relations for 14 years, he withdrew from mainstream academia in 2012 to launch his own start-up ecosystem. To him, research is treading beyond established knowledge, and entrepreneurship is living the dream, however difficult it may be. When bitcoin was not even in double digits, he could see the potential of this trend as a game-changer. It was the promise of true people’s money and individual freedom that attracted him to the blockchain technology that underlies bitcoin. After jumping into the start-up world, he lived through times of creative destruction and experienced the ups and downs of the crypto-currency market. It was the rise of a completely new world with new definitions of money, law, and labour. In an extremely unequal reality, Sunil could see a massive middle-class revolution across all borders due to new and decentralized peer to peer connections. He is the first person in India to teach a credits-based exclusive course on Bitcoin and Blockchain Application at university level. He also functions as the admin of a popular knowledge community on Facebook known as “Moneyframes: A Blockchain Venture”.



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