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Condition Monitoring in Large Thermal Power Plants Power Plant Condition Monitoring

Author Name: Shrikant Bhave | Format: Paperback | Genre : Technology & Engineering | Other Details

The technological developments in electrical power generation over the last decade have enabled creation of large pulverized coal fired and combined cycle power plants. These are required to run continuously without faults to assure highest reliability and availability of electrical power around the clock. Condition Monitoring in Large Thermal Power Plants deals with monitoring the operational integrity of boiler and turbine generator plants that includes pumps, fans etc - A most important step in achieving highest reliability and availability

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Shrikant Bhave

Shrikant Bhave is an advisor to ERDA, Baroda. He holds a doctorate degree in Mechanical Engineering. He started his professional career as a teacher at HBTI, Kanpur. Throughout his career, Shrikant has been associated with the analysis of failures in heavy equipment in refinery, petrochemical, and large thermal/hydro power plants. He has authored over 120 research papers in national and international journals and authored a book on mechanical vibrations and co-authored a book published by international book series on hydraulic machinery – Beijing.



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