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Handbook for Entrepreneurs empowering MSME A reference book on MSME

Author Name: Abhik Mitra | Format: Paperback | Genre : Business, Investing & Management | Other Details

This book is intended for all those who wish to start their own entrepreneurship journey and are looking for supportive guidance as to how, where, when and what to start. At the same time various other points like Government policy, schemes and support have been mentioned in this book to give a roadmap to existing as well as upcoming entrepreneurs . The financial support through various channels are explained, which may be helpful.

This book would also be helpful as reference guide for those who are preparing for competitive exams and interviews. Educational institutes especially management institutions in India may find this book helpful .

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Abhik Mitra

The author is an experienced Banker and financer, who worked more than 30 years in various PSU, PVT and multinational Banks in key positions. He has rich experience in Banking. He has certification in MSME from Indian Institute of Bankers and also certificated associate of Indian Institute of Bankers. He is also authorised credit councelor appointed by SIDBI.

