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The Magical Carousel and Commentaries A Zodiacal Odyssey

Author Name: Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet | Format: Paperback | Genre : BODY, MIND & SPIRIT | Other Details

The Magical Carousel - a Zodiacal Odyssey : A new myth for a new Age; a  journey through the 12 signs / lands of the Zodiac.


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Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet

In 1971 Thea was living in Rome  and drawing up horoscopes for famous people in filmdom. But she knew there was something far more important about the zodiac than simply a tool for prediction. Flooded with inspiration, she wanted to write a book on astrology, one of a ‘totally new order’. She saw each sign as part of a connected story – a script that had been in the heavens since the beginning of time. Viewed together in one grand circle they described a cosmic journey in 12 stages. The story she envisioned would take the form of a fairy tale, and be a way to introduce young people to the wisdom known through the ages – a higher knowledge which has been veiled by the shadows of time.

          The details of taking the book in 1971 to the Mother of Pondicherry India (‘to the place of its origin’) and its publication on 18 February, 1973 is described in the first volume of The Tenth Day of Victory. It was after Thea met the Mother that she began to realize the prophetic nature of all that she had written in 1970, prior to coming to Pondicherry. The Magical Carousel is the perennial story of the soul in evolution on planet Earth: ‘It is my story, autobiographical,’ she said, ‘and also the story of opening the new path for all souls’.

          Thea described The Magical Carousel as the New Myth for the New Age: ‘It is the contemporary myth of the Supramental Manifestation…it is not based on older myths, as (Sri Aurobindo’s) Savitri was; it arises in the new creation, and voices the Soul’s aspiration and light where it stands today: it answers those questions or conditions which we encounter today.’



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