Slumdog or a Millionaire?
By Zeba Fatima in Poetry | Reads: 494 | Likes: 2
I was a boy of a Slum. People prefer to refer me as a Dog of a Slum. When I use to go out on work for me which was a haunt. They never leave a chance to give me a Taunt. If I fail to break the Bricks. I was always treated by Kicks. They always use thier Crepiest to  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 07:52 AM
simba travels in time
By harsh bardhan in Travel | Reads: 333 | Likes: 0
I met a crazy spontaneous girl Stella Blue eyes in Horn Ok Please Mumbai. And we decided to travel to Rajasthan together. Before coming to me in Jaipur, Stella went to Chor Bazaar in Mumbai to buy a camera. The camera turned out to be Netflixy, and with every click, it would take the people holding   Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 07:49 AM
पिज़्ज़ा और रोटी
By Sushmita Rani in True Story | Reads: 490 | Likes: 2
                          पिज़्ज़ा और रोटी और कैसा जा रहा है आप लोगो का क्वारांटाइन। सुना है कल पिज़्ज़ा   Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 07:12 AM
By Vipul Vyas in Poetry | Reads: 1,101 | Likes: 0
#  हमारी गफलतों  की  सज़ा का अरसा बहुत लम्बा रहेगा,     वक़्त हमें यूं हीं दीमक की तरह  चाट्ता ही रहेगा  ।       Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 05:56 AM
By Diksha Das in Fantasy | Reads: 437 | Likes: 0
Who would have thought that would be our last evening walk together? You wanted to see those lights over that hill,and I was at the verge of making another weird dream of yours,come true. Sometimes, it baffles me about how you were obsessed with things, you know? Well, I would not call that OCD, but  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 05:26 AM
By Kshitij Wadankar in Poetry | Reads: 364 | Likes: 1
Boredom killer and a stress buster game,  Hope you know me LUDO is my name. From ranking no. 1 in free games section, To crossing 100 million I became major sensation   Never imagined that I will surpass pubg, Someone will  invest in me , their energy. People who were hungry for the C  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 04:38 AM
Quarantine of a normal/slightly twisted person
By Ramanpreet Kaur Chhabra in General Literary | Reads: 537 | Likes: 0
“This will be quite a vacation.” These were the exact words that resonated inside my head when the lockdown was announced. As someone who likes staying in bed the whole day with least human interaction, as most of the individuals, this was my happy place. I would be a big fat liar if I s  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 02:27 AM
Still in my heart!
By Anonymous! in True Story | Reads: 297 | Likes: 0
What if some incidents in ur past can be made out in words as a true story!!          Oh my god she has accepted ur request,but y not mine? The boy screamed at his friend.         Wait let me ask her whether she knew u or not. His friend convinced him!&nb  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 01:56 AM
Lockdown Saga
By Shruti in Poetry | Reads: 414 | Likes: 3
Lockdown… Lockdown… Stay at home, It's a time to pray at home, Sit at home don't go outside, Instead meditate and go inside, It's a time to recreate yourself, Think about yourself  And Work for yourself, Get up all don't be sad, Take it as an opportunity  And feel glad. Put  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 01:40 AM
By Drishya Anil in Supernatural | Reads: 507 | Likes: 1
Her throat went dry...with a purse mouth and sighing she moved towards the door steps...She just heard those fearfully words spoken to her mom..."Just 2 more week is left for her".Her body responded its grief with few drops of blood from her nose!!! She just wiped it...entered the room and  loo  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 01:13 AM
मन के दरवाजे |
By Kaveri Nandan Chandra in True Story | Reads: 384 | Likes: 1
कल मेरी फ्रेंड ने मुझे याद दिलाया की यह तीसरा लॉक डाउन है, करीबन २ पूरे माह गुज़र चुके हैं | यकीं मानिये पहले लॉक डाउन   Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 01:11 AM
Braille Script
By Drishya Anil in General Literary | Reads: 540 | Likes: 1
My hands moved through the books in the library.My fingers got struck to a unique book,it was a Braille Script.I was excited to see it for the first time,I opened the book with all its curiosity,moved my fingers through the projected prints.Later on I went home and slept at night.The next morning wh  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 12:58 AM
I'm not a cheat
By Nidhi in Poetry | Reads: 556 | Likes: 0
You are my wife and I love you a lotSo what if I don’t have u in my thoughtI’m addicted to watch nudity aloneWe don’t have any intimate tym of ownI always think of someone wildBut you are very gentle and kind I Love to make new girl friendsHaving same hobbies interests and trendsWe  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 12:24 AM
Let be the one - help Others
By Dolly Sharma in True Story | Reads: 440 | Likes: 1
Once, my brother and I were going to the hospital. When the bus arrived we hopped in, at the same time an uncle was helping a grandma to get in, I held her hand and helped her to get inside, though there was so much crowd in the bus, but still an uncle gave his seat to the grandma. At first I though  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 12:06 AM
Covid 19 - A Pandemic or a Pause
By Mobasharin in True Story | Reads: 696 | Likes: 3
Well it wasn't quite long ago that the novel coronavirus made its highlights on all platforms across the world, and while I was naive enough to consider it a foreign, distant disease little did I know that it would knock at all our lives so soon. With all the media beaming with the news on the novel  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 11:58 PM