What’s with the Marriage (Part-3)
By Ram in Romance | Reads: 872 | Likes: 0
Post Divorce! The first thing that happens after a divorce is the non acceptance by the society. Which in turn leads to a bad impact on the person mainly speaking on the woman. Always and always, marriage and divorce are decisions but why one is celebrated and the other is stigmatized. The impact so  Read More...
Published on Sep 8,2020 01:59 PM
What’s with the Marriage (Part-2)
By Ram in Romance | Reads: 1,363 | Likes: 0
Divorce! Life will be obviously different and difficult after a divorce. But it isn’t supposed to be that way or it isn’t planned to be that way. Some relations aren’t meant to be forever. That’s it. When speaking about the marriages in India, its the love marriages that are failing to be th  Read More...
Published on Sep 8,2020 01:51 PM
What’s with the Marriage (Part -1)
By Ram in Romance | Reads: 1,027 | Likes: 1
Marriage! Indian constitution made Minimum age as 21 and Indian society made the maximum age as 30. What’s wrong with the marriage in late 30s or 40s? Parents think to have their children to start a family soon so that they don’t do something that’s not according to their wish. Strictly speaki  Read More...
Published on Sep 8,2020 01:46 PM
It is enough human!!
By Mahati Stars in True Story | Reads: 398 | Likes: 2
hey,you know what?most people think they are the one who suffer,they are the one with nothing,even a millionaire kid thinks "why dont buy those for me?uh??",hm...let me tell you an example,when William Shakespeare was a kid,age??? i don't know,probably he may be now as me,ok that isnt important righ  Read More...
Published on Sep 8,2020 12:44 PM
The Brave Girl
By Jeet sannigrahi in General Literary | Reads: 309 | Likes: 2
Are those medicines okay? Have you checked them?" "Yes dear, twice to be precise. Don't you worry." "Okay okay, but the dates! They might have been expired." "I've checked them them as well, now be a good girl and just have the pills, okay." Shilpa took the pills from Ravi's hands, drunk some water   Read More...
Published on Sep 8,2020 11:14 AM
கொரோனா காலத்துத் திருப்பணி ! சுவி. பாபு T தாமஸ்
By Evg.Babu.T Thomas in General Literary | Reads: 263 | Likes: 0
கொரோனா காலத்துத் திருப்பணி ! சுவி. பாபு T தாமஸ்   கிறிஸ்துவுக்குள் அன்பான தேவ ஜனமே உங்கள் அனைவருக்கும் இயேசு என்ன  Read More...
Published on Sep 8,2020 07:15 AM
Me Time
By Komal Oza in General Literary | Reads: 325 | Likes: 0
Today I want to tell you guys about the me time.What is "me time" according to you ? What do you mean when you say me time? While the words are pretty self explanatory,the fact that one needs to have time and give some time for oneself is quite underrated. In the busy life that we all are in, we oft  Read More...
Published on Sep 8,2020 04:32 AM
Yearn to repair
By Kanchan Gupta in Poetry | Reads: 478 | Likes: 0
At night, My heart cry in anguish,The world I visualize with my orifices,Had emotions that I urge to distinguish. The wonderful faces I glimpse, Keep their sorrow wearing a smile on the cheeks. Some deluded by loved onesSome suffer from house trauma Some cover their sin to look pleasant Some reveal   Read More...
Published on Sep 6,2020 09:29 PM
Carefree Songs
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 499 | Likes: 2
Carefree Songs Birds sang their carefree songs After a beautiful twilight and nights so long The nature alone affords, the mystical enchantment I can only get surprised in amazement The sunshine has their own carefree songs With heating beats and energetic tunes Every season unfolds uniqueness Becom  Read More...
Published on Sep 6,2020 08:00 PM
A Story in Metro
By NilogiVinayak in Romance | Reads: 315 | Likes: 0
“A story in Metro” It was last year in April , there was a comedy show by famous comedian in Starbucks where I invited her, all the way she came but though showed up late I was waiting for her at a balcony of that building,Of course we couldn’t sit and watch the show , took an another left of  Read More...
Published on Sep 6,2020 06:50 PM
Sir M Vishvesvaraya
By Dr. R.P.Raj in General Literary | Reads: 413 | Likes: 0
I am writing about biography of great people like Vishvesvaraya because it inspires me even at the end of my days work.Sir M Vishvesvaraya has contributed so much to nation building that many people including our younger generation who are ignorant about the great man. I take pride in my writing as   Read More...
Published on Sep 6,2020 08:18 AM
By Paul Reji George in Poetry | Reads: 384 | Likes: 0
Vanity, all is vanity Therein lies the shackles of your sanity  Bound by it's empty riches  Adorned by it's deep stitches  Purchase them for a fickle nickel Reap the benefits of loss and dissatisfaction beyond tragical  Capable of atlering your perception  Sufficient to provide dillusional s  Read More...
Published on Sep 6,2020 01:35 AM
Clisty Tygian
By Ruchita Nair in Fantasy | Reads: 337 | Likes: 1
CHAPTER 1: A TRAFFIC-LIGHT RUINS MY NOT SO PERFECT LIFE!!   So it’s true, Ophelia, I hate you!   Trust spider man when he says with great power comes great responsibility or in my case great death!! Well I guess I cannot complain because I did ask for this(but I a total going to do it anyways),  Read More...
Published on Sep 5,2020 11:03 AM
The promise
By Tamilselvan in Romance | Reads: 318 | Likes: 1
  Film writer studio Present The promise  & காத்திருந்தாள் இக்கதை   தலைவன் வருகையை எதிர்பார்த்து காத்திருக்கும் தலைவி சினிமாவிற்கே எழு  Read More...
Published on Sep 5,2020 09:47 AM
The promise
By Tamilselvan in Romance | Reads: 301 | Likes: 1
Film writer studio present this book published story book in Tamil script writer  Film script book  Script and screen Play writer from tamilselvan Book categories  Love Action Family Romance love story book  Read More...
Published on Sep 5,2020 09:34 AM