By gaifi in Poetry | Reads: 1,072 | Likes: 1
वक़्त था गहरे दोस्त थे आज अनजान बन गए हैं, कभी सब कुछ था या थे निठलले, आज कुछ नहीं या साहब बन गए हैं, वक़्त ने इंतज़ार क  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 04:23 PM
Complicated teen
By gaifi in Poetry | Reads: 228 | Likes: 1
Am knitting my future, don't get deceived from my rugged jean, I don't like healthy but my dieting can lead to green bean, Worry about my college life or the pocket money that has wings, I listen to Beyoncé and also Jagjit Singh, Don't bother am a complicated teen. My struggle is real, not th  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 04:25 PM
Life goes on!
By manasvi agarwal in Poetry | Reads: 336 | Likes: 1
Dear no one, What do you think? About everything.. That you have been going through.. And I am here to remind you.. That this time will pass too.. And before you even knew.. You'll in a happier place.. And will in a better phase.. 'Cause no matter what life goes on.. And you should keep moving on..   Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 04:38 PM
To The Moon
By manasvi agarwal in Poetry | Reads: 306 | Likes: 1
It's cold and its still On the dark side  Of  the earth. There is nothing in sight  Not even my worth I'm dreaming of leaving  Maybe taking flight . No reason to stay Would you notice if i died? It's just another day. I can tell by my silence My choice disappeared With nothing to  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 05:45 PM
Love at first sight
By Riya in Romance | Reads: 835 | Likes: 1
While I was going to attend my first day at college,the sky above was full of tumultuous,dark and ragged clouds... My heart goes on saying that something great is going to happen today... .I was thinking  "It is the beginning of my dream to go to college and persue a higher education".  &  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 06:12 PM
Two Soul in One Evening
By Dipankar Choudhury in Poetry | Reads: 262 | Likes: 1
I've never felt her heartbeat ever before that gloomy evening,I became a little mad when she hold my hand, couldn't stop staring. actually It was the first time, I smelled the aroma of her wet hair,It was not of rose or lily, which I can compare. suddenly  When your overwhelming hug just touche  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 08:26 PM
And I Never left
By Monalisa Roxwel Guje in True Story | Reads: 317 | Likes: 1
      Years ago, while teaching fourth grade, I was giving insrtuctions for a writing assignment. I described the usual format: capital letters and punctuation. I stated that this particular task would be about a person whom they admired, someone who was important to them. We spoke o  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 09:03 PM
By Bhawana lal in Poetry | Reads: 453 | Likes: 1
नाम था इनका इरफान खान  अपने फिल्म जगत की शान  ये थे बहुमुखी प्रतिभावान  किरदार थे इनके बड़े शानदार  ये तो थे अ  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 10:42 PM
Sound of Silence
By Pratibha Jain in Poetry | Reads: 269 | Likes: 1
Silence and sound, Together are not found. Yet, today I can hear The sound of fear. The fear of life, and The fear of death. The fear that lingers As if Thanos had snapped his fingers. Humans are dying, However, humanity is still undying; As healthcare workers work day and night To make sure things  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 11:28 PM
By Kanishka Tuteja in True Story | Reads: 556 | Likes: 1
Many a times we think how different we've become! You're not the same girl/boy sitting on the first or second bench every morning, smiling at those new and fresh register, have those sparkling sharped pencils and with glasses, continously staring at the white boards! You realize you're a much differ  Read More...
Published on Apr 30,2020 02:42 AM
The Great Indian Lockdown
By B.M. Kapoor in True Story | Reads: 653 | Likes: 1
‘Kya Corona ko hona hi tha?’ is the question on every one’s lips all over the world. The responses have varied. We Indians being different – we went into the world’s biggest lockdown in history with just four hours of notice. And thus spawned many stories about couples   Read More...
Published on Apr 30,2020 08:47 AM
पथिक का मार्ग
By saurabh saroj in Poetry | Reads: 614 | Likes: 1
मै पथिक हूं उस मार्ग का, जिससे सदा सवेरा होता। सच के पथ पर चल जाने से, जीवन पूरा उज्जवल होता।।                    Read More...
Published on Apr 30,2020 08:57 AM
Tragic Love Life
By Amie Madekar in Romance | Reads: 448 | Likes: 1
Love there are different shades of this purest and strongest form of emotion . Similarly , a person also have different layers of personality or say different colours of nature . It is all started 7 years ago when I was pursuing graduation and got new friends . We six girls used sit ,eat and had fun  Read More...
Published on May 4,2020 04:14 AM
शिक्षा रूपी नाव
By saurabh saroj in Poetry | Reads: 756 | Likes: 1
खोज रहा तू सुख का सागर, शिक्षा बिन पाएगा कैसे। जीवन चाहता बड़ा निराला, शिक्षा बिन पाएगा कैसे।।                  Read More...
Published on Apr 30,2020 12:38 PM
By Jyoti Malhotra in Poetry | Reads: 2,430 | Likes: 1
माँ अपने रक्तरंजित टुकड़े से तूने हमें बनाया माँ. आत्मप्राण फूंक कर तूने कतरा कतरा हमें जिलाया माँ. गोद में लेकर हम   Read More...
Published on Apr 30,2020 12:43 PM