Phoolan Devi: A Villanious Heroine
By Rishabh Kamal in True Story | Reads: 884 | Likes: 0
Phoolan Devi was not just a bandit queen. She was also a righteous Daku, villainous heroine(villanious, because of the mode she resorted to) and much more. Her story will prove that. She overturned her powerlessness with brute of power. She withstood horrendously oppressive circumstances, was the vi  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 11:07 PM
By Pooja Madame in Poetry | Reads: 560 | Likes: 0
Tera aana jaana toh laga hi rehta hain, Khayaalon main jo tune basera kar rakha hain. Kisi sufiyaana ghazal se tu kam kaha, Jise sunne ke liye hum tayaar shaam-o-sahar yeha . Kya ilm hain tujhe ise kya kehte hain, Mohabbat nahi hain agar toh phir aur kya kehte hain !  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 11:07 PM
COVID-19 and Humanity
By Pravin gupta in Poetry | Reads: 1,067 | Likes: 0
"The world is not only for humans." This is what the nature says. But they (humans) ruined its fair law, Exploiting it in multiple ways. What they commit and what they do, It possesses a very long gap. Probably that's why Thanos had Wiped out mankind with a finger snap. They fought wars for so many   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 11:11 PM
Baby Boomers it's Carona (Covid- 19)!
By Mohd Talha Ahmad in General Literary | Reads: 429 | Likes: 0
I know that you know every single bit of how life goes on. I also know that you have experienced many tough and challenging situations in life. Most importantly I know how risky it is for us to tell you that listen! “I want to guide you for sometime.” May be you will listen to me with c  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 12:12 AM
तेरी यादें
By aashu1672 in Poetry | Reads: 454 | Likes: 0
तेरी यादें अब क्यों आने लगी, मुझे दोबारा फिर क्यों सताने लगी, फिर क्यों मेरे सपनो में आने लगे, फिर क्यों मुझे तड़पाने   Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 12:33 AM
About time...
By Diksha Zutshi in Poetry | Reads: 334 | Likes: 0
What good is in saving humans when humanity died way back in time..   It died with one's violated physicality, It died with accepted petitions for the same.... It died with beaten animals, As if burned by dinosaur's flame..... It died when the crying kid was asked to man up, It died when y  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 12:38 AM
IN OUTLASHED PLACE _ a matter of fact
By Majid fayaz in True Story | Reads: 386 | Likes: 0
Amid of buzz of horns The not language, Unnatural faces, The peculiar interactions I eye on disconsolate throng of creation Probably of intemperate origination I vigil,in midst of commotion They need comrade's attention Their lips were closed Big red ,watery eyes speaks Majid, they dissimulate I tri  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 12:48 AM
A detour
By Srimathy Hariharan in Travel | Reads: 403 | Likes: 0
The dawn was sprinkled with grey clouds, but gold streaked in through the gaps. Flavours of coffee mingled with piping hot rasam.  "Wake up , we are leaving in an hour!" Before I could pop in a query, she was gone. Hurry ,scurry , cups of coffee, we were in the car,  speeding on. Trees pee  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 01:43 AM
करोना का कहर, हर पहर, हर शहर (मार्च 2020)
By DivyaJyoti Badgainyan in Poetry | Reads: 1,050 | Likes: 0
कैसे चारों ओर, एक कोहरा सा छाया है, कहाँ है बहार, कहाँ फूलों का साया है, कैसा ये कोलाहल, अफरा तफरी सी मची है, किसने ये म  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 12:58 AM
By Aimey Augustine in General Literary | Reads: 343 | Likes: 0
The physical activity I engage in during the week are meager and the mental exercise I indulge is quite very much, this doubles when you have anxiety. The pressure I put on my mind sometimes reaches a point that I cant hear my thoughts out loud, and I don't function without my thoughts guiding me. I  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 01:00 AM
The rhyme of waves
By Karishma Kapoor in Poetry | Reads: 686 | Likes: 0
Maybe everything around you seems harder than, it actually is.  Just go with the flow.  Listen to the rhyme of waves and dance to it's music.  Don't feel stuck.  You have overcome so much pain already.  This is what makes you stand out.  Wear pain like diamonds on your   Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 01:15 AM
By Mona Sharma Gupta in Poetry | Reads: 313 | Likes: 0
ONCE UPON A TIME.... If we look back towards time Do we hear synchronizing chimes Peek through the hazy memory lane What did we lose and what did we gain There was truly more love, more compassion As if attachment and respect was a fashion The bond between families spoke heaps Relatives, friend  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 01:51 AM
By Mona Sharma Gupta in Poetry | Reads: 625 | Likes: 0
There Was A  Time... There was a time when there were no mobile Every household not own a landline Yet people exchanged pleasantries and stayed in touch There was a time when writing letters was not a thing of the past The robust letter box splashed joy and a sense of belonging Yet, not many wo  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 01:56 AM
By Mona Sharma Gupta in Poetry | Reads: 435 | Likes: 0
Secrets.. A well of emotions Over flowing with tears and laughter galore A cryptic  alliance Secrets…   A plethora of sentiments Laden with bittersweet memories A mystic journey Secrets…  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 01:58 AM
By Mona Sharma Gupta in Poetry | Reads: 322 | Likes: 0
A STRANGER …   A stranger, a complete stranger… Engulfs my mind Enlightens the air Takes over me   Knocks on my heart Caresses my hands Strokes my tresses Takes over me     Imagined touch Penetrating eyes Twinkling smile Takes over me   Grip of thoughts Threads  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 01:59 AM