Love you till I die
By sukriti Vatsha in Poetry | Reads: 328 | Likes: 0
It might all be true... Maybe love does fade away with time. Perhaps that is the reason we seem to hate the one we have known forever; the reason we hate none other than ourselves.  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 09:32 PM
One Two Three
By sukriti Vatsha in Poetry | Reads: 502 | Likes: 0
First. Second. Third.  Roared our young spirits as we crossed the finish line. One. Two. Three. Mutter our withered spirits as our eyes race against one another to see wether we fall asleep or fall apart.  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 09:41 PM
Young Hearts
By sukriti Vatsha in Poetry | Reads: 350 | Likes: 0
Its quite the tragedy... When young hearts misconcept love you to the moon and back as loving you as long the moon glimmers in the night sky. A tragedy when we read forever between the lines that ceased to exsist.  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 09:54 PM
By Adrija Mukherjee (Amaranthine) in General Literary | Reads: 663 | Likes: 0
 It was a fine spring day,  the ripe fruits hung peacefully from the bosoms of the mother tree,  the birds sang songs which were impregnated in their mind with seeds of euphoria. These natural wonders witnessed everyday a small girl of age 7 or 8 walking joyfully on the uneven, naked   Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 09:59 PM
By DR BISWAJIT MOHAPATRA in True Story | Reads: 553 | Likes: 0
Today is Sunday. I reached Hospital early to see one of my patients Divya, whom I had admitted yesterday for persistent vomiting. A 28-year- old, Architecture graduate, suffering from terminal cancer with a big metastatic node sitting over the stomach. A pale, timid and beautiful lady with lots of   Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 10:38 PM
The Inspiration: a recollection
By DR BISWAJIT MOHAPATRA in True Story | Reads: 629 | Likes: 0
“Hey guys and gals... I have decided to become a doctor when I grow up”, a small eight year old boy was telling his friends in excitement. He had just visited a dentist of the biggest hospital in the city with his father. His eyes were looking bright and big. there was no sign of pain,e  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 10:45 PM
Know your pomegranate
By Vaishhali in Poetry | Reads: 346 | Likes: 0
A beautiful complexity, a well guarded mysteryIf I'm being completely honest, a bit hard too.But navigating through the mess is how you get to the gems they say.Yes, you are often misinterpreted by most, But I don't blame them at all, for not knowing you the way I do,For you are found either in a fo  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 11:12 PM
Battling Vs Blossoming
By Vidya Sampath in General Literary | Reads: 405 | Likes: 0
Ahh..did we ever vision this 2020 our human race be battling against an enemy so small in size - a microbial creature?!! Nah..what a dreadful nightmare it has become. Ours were on those spaceships, aliens, digital world, powerstrikes,etc..Here comes the real deal - COVID19. What an untold battlefiel  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 11:27 PM
By JoHanna in General Literary | Reads: 334 | Likes: 0
NO TURNING BACKShe turns from staring at the undecorated grey wall to fix her eyes on the window which keeps disturbing her by sending caressing breeze. Her mind whispers, “Hey Buddy! The simple turn can’t harm your long practiced over thinking nature. Remember, I have been with you sinc  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 11:40 PM
By Kirthika K S in Poetry | Reads: 569 | Likes: 0
Some things make you , Some things break you , But always remember hope is what brings you and builds you ... Wake and break the things that puts you down!! Sometimes you may go wrong, You always wish to do what your brain says , But end up following what the four walled chamber filled with red rive  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 12:06 AM
By Shubham Priyadarshan in Poetry | Reads: 974 | Likes: 0
बिछड़ कर तुजसे मरना था मगर मैं जी के आया हूँ, भरे हैं झखम दिल के अब उन्हें मैं सी के आया हूँ, नशे में हूँ मगर मयखाने में   Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 12:57 AM
I am The Power
By Vogeti Kalpana in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
I am the power, who can consolidate the scattered chunks and build a life; I am the power, who can usher glee in melancholy; I am the power,  who can dare to reach the zenith from the darkest depth; I am the power, who can wear a calm demeanour while contesting the whirlpool of ordeals; I am th  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 02:30 AM
These times
By Arpitha in Poetry | Reads: 528 | Likes: 0
away isolated distressed restless and what not are the emotions that are growing day by day this isolation was supposed be the time given to ourselves to help us give time to our thoughts but now, it seems like it's just giving us the stress we didn't ask for people wanting to spend time with family  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 03:37 AM
Curves of Sunshine
By Vihari J in Poetry | Reads: 301 | Likes: 0
The bliss of the blooming flower  The kiss of the charming shower The creeping creatures of the canopy  The snake hissing at the honeybee Those paths leading to the deep woods Those fish bubbling at the pool beds Oh! Dear almighty  'Ou filled my soul full of sunshine In this beauty  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 04:44 AM
I am not a Poet
By M Tasleem in Poetry | Reads: 411 | Likes: 0
I am not a poet My words will seldom Enthrall you I do not posses an art To creat a lofty dreams for you I am not a poet Whose words will Provide you solace My words can never Mend your broken heart I am not a poet I serve you words Of your day to day life I serve you words Of misery and pain I am n  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 08:01 AM