By M.A. Mercier in Poetry | Reads: 549 | Likes: 12
A room , A story, Every bench a character. A room, A poem, Every bench a verse. A room, A game, Every bench a player. A room, A life, Every bench a moment. These benches, these chairs, Every bench a home to two. A sum, a product, My little batch is 112  Read More...
Published on Jun 10,2020 12:21 PM
A collection of my mind, in mixed poems
By Shivika Anand in Poetry | Reads: 547 | Likes: 11
The words have slipped away from her lips,  her heart has regained  its composure, though  not completely because now what she fears most  is the reply The sun has slept awakening millions of stars their everlasting charm makes the flowers conscious, so they wait for a new day  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 07:52 PM
Phela pyar
By Vignya Reddy Savasani in Poetry | Reads: 612 | Likes: 11
Pyar hua thaa mujhe.. Uske maasoom muskan se.. . Pyar hua thaa mujhe.. Uske madhu bhari ankose.. Pyar hua thaa mujhe.. Uske bekasur si bathonse.. Pyar hua thaa mujhe.... Uski kaarash vaali aavaz se... Uski sharaabee baalonse... Uske adhuri adhathonse..Uske kaam padi nafrath se..Uske naa haar maane k  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 12:21 AM
अपने बच्चों के साथ आज मैंने अपनी जिंदगी जी ली
By Meenakshi Arora in Poetry | Reads: 1,054 | Likes: 11
This poem is my first ever poem written by me & based on my life. It expresses the feeling of a middle aged women who was not able to anything in life when it was her high time. But its better late than never. So now with her kids ,she is stepping forwarding & has started filling her dreams   Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 11:28 PM
The fertility treatment
By Filter Koffee Chronicles in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 1,636 | Likes: 11
Muthu and his father in law, Varadhan were waiting anxiously outside the doctor’s room.  They both had been waiting for over 2 hours now. The doctor, they could see was extremely busy, dealing with a wide spectrum of cases and complaints. Many people, just like them, were only there to ha  Read More...
Published on Apr 4,2020 02:37 AM
Krishna's crush Seetha...!
By Sowndar Krishna R S in Romance | Reads: 771 | Likes: 11
Krishna's crush Seetha...!                                                                               
Published on Apr 6,2020 02:20 PM
This World
By Aaditya Asnani in Poetry | Reads: 726 | Likes: 11
What is this world, what is this world!You can have all the money, power, and fameRuthless aggression and passion in your nameBut with the microcosm of doubtWith stones and sticks, you hurl and shoutAnarchy, revolution and lust you craveA world where everything and nothing means the sameBut when the  Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 10:39 AM
For Wisdom to Rise, the Sun must Set!
By Shreeya Katyal in Poetry | Reads: 545 | Likes: 11
They say beautiful pictures are developed in a dark room, there are always thorns attached to a beautiful flower that blooms! When one door closes another opens up for sure,God always helps a heart that is innocent and pure! So, every difficulty comes with equal or greater opportunity,to achieve you  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 01:25 AM
The Aurora
By Swastika in Poetry | Reads: 622 | Likes: 11
The Aurora breaks upon  Spilling it's Magic over the cold white Mountains;  The Stars were shouting  The Sun was chasing the Moon  The game was same as children's.  The Sky was Divine and Infinite  Against our electric globe. The loud tranquillity spoke;  Of Life   Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 11:28 AM
By Ruth Beatriz Costa in Romance | Reads: 1,163 | Likes: 11
  It was the most prolonged five minutes of her life that Mira could think of. She had had a stressful day at work and couldn’t wait to send out the last email before she could walk out of the office doors. Her eagerness hadn’t stemmed from nothing. She had plans! Earlier in the da  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 07:55 PM
Permanent scars, left by temporary people.
By Rahat Sayyed in Poetry | Reads: 322 | Likes: 11
. Permanent scars, left by temporary people. Scars on me, I had scars on me, Meant the world to me, Ohhh this scars I had on me, Not from the world but from you. Meant the world to me. Were the scars permanent, Which were left by you. Unhealed, scars left by you. were they real, Unable to determin  Read More...
Published on Apr 19,2020 09:07 AM
The Unexpected Guest
By RATNA P in True Story | Reads: 996 | Likes: 11
An Unexpected Guest It was 10am. I just had my tea and had more than an hour to start preparing the lunch. I thought, “let me do some sewing”.  Only last week I had repaired and cleaned my sewing machine and was itching to try something. Why not some masks?  We will surely need  Read More...
Published on Apr 20,2020 04:41 PM
The Shop
By Adarsh Pradeep in General Literary | Reads: 1,721 | Likes: 11
The mannequins were dusty, in dirty grey. They wore clothes in fashion 2 decades ago. The 50 percent discount sale board appeared like it had been there for a year, torn and shabby. A Peepal tree sapling peeped out through the broken roof, watching out for any customers that came its way. The sun p  Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 07:11 PM
A tale for future
By Teevra in General Literary | Reads: 1,056 | Likes: 11
"LOCKDOWN"- I had never heard that word before, not attentively at the least, until now. Many of us had our grandma narrate old tales from their Pandora's box, about the emergency situations, world war black-outs, times when no household was allowed to leave the lights of their houses on or the enem  Read More...
Published on Apr 30,2020 02:26 AM
Slice of Life...!
By Snehal Amol Patil in General Literary | Reads: 731 | Likes: 11
  After a dinner, we used to take a short night walk and afterward used to sit on swing for sometime.So one day, we followed our same routine and when we sat on swing, my husband said, "wah...what a beautiful night it is !" I looked at him with some weird expressions and asked him, "What's beau  Read More...
Published on Apr 30,2020 10:57 PM