Daily life
By AAYESHA the journey untold in General Literary | Reads: 715 | Likes: 0
Hey Friends, I am sharing my daily life routine with you. There is nothing in everyone life. My student ask me thet teacher are afraid or fear with anything. I lied to my students ,"No". If we afraid with someone something then we cannot survive or live freely. But actually the things is that we can  Read More...
Published on Jul 20,2020 05:32 PM
The virgin rose
By Shramana Ganguly in Poetry | Reads: 280 | Likes: 0
The smoke aside An infidelity tasted and moaned Thorns plucked and scattered So was I finally lying down there?? She granted me the flow of effervescence, I sat back in admiration of those veins Till those teeth clawed her down to the floor Cold as steel breaking down the icy bosom A heaven ins  Read More...
Published on Jul 20,2020 08:18 PM
Natural Outcome
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 509 | Likes: 0
Natural Outcome I don't know why? Mind not ready to welcome,  Few things that complicate natural outcome.  It happens when I allow, myself to lower down  Quite disturbing! When unfit you become.  I am gonna make sure, to fit in and overcome Try! Raise the energy high, unnecessary  Read More...
Published on Jul 20,2020 09:49 PM
Caught unaware in love
By daisy bala in Romance | Reads: 327 | Likes: 0
Around 6 that evening, when the doorbell rang, Eshan was busy getting things ready for the evening’s party. Wondering who had turned up so early, he grumpily went to the door. It was Nathan.” I’m here to help you”, he said with a smile.” How much can  Read More...
Published on Jul 21,2020 04:01 AM
The Lion and His Progeny
By Sheetal Rajput in General Literary | Reads: 324 | Likes: 0
One day the king lion was roaming around in the jungle. He saw the zebra, the rabbit, the mouse, and the peacock were chatting together. When all the animals saw king lion arriving they started some serious discussion. As the lion moved towards them, instead of running away they all decided to stay   Read More...
Published on Jul 21,2020 03:47 PM
தொடரூந்து பயணம் - முற்றிலும் கற்பனை கதை
By Anbudan Miththiran in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 914 | Likes: 0
கூஉ சிக்கு புக்கு கூஉ சிக்கு புக்கு கூஉஎன்று காற்றின் வழியே காதில் விழ நானும் திரும்பி நோக்கினேன்.கடபுட குடக்   Read More...
Published on Jul 21,2020 09:02 PM
If You Really
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 352 | Likes: 0
If You Really To make this period the most glorious transformation, pay attention If you really. Multiply your influence, review your mental models and enhance  If you really.  Your work and performance, your lifestyle elevation If you really.  This surprising time endure, upgrade you  Read More...
Published on Jul 21,2020 09:42 PM
I Don't Know
By Jerrylius Riahtam in Poetry | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
Light on the Earth Shining in the dark Touch my skin Make me heal Loneliness I feel Blindness has grip on me Suffering I see It can never leave me Snowfall in the mountains I can’t touch it Invisible I had become Fear is all I know Trying hard to ruin me Love is hard Believing it make me Ignor  Read More...
Published on Jul 22,2020 02:16 AM
By Surendra Kumar Sagar in Fantasy | Reads: 901 | Likes: 0
ARRIVAL     I was there  .. during that first second .. perhaps even before that. Yes I was there .. in that Quark soup .. and so were you.                        I entered  Read More...
Published on Jul 22,2020 12:02 PM
Kalyana bhavana
By SATHISH N in Crime | Reads: 455 | Likes: 0
ಕಥೆ : ಕಲ್ಯಾಣ ಭವನಲೇಖಕರು : CHANAಕೃವಿಶ್ವಾಸ ಒಂದೇ ಚಿಂತೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಮುಳುಗಿದ್ದ. ಅದುವೇ ಹಸಿವುಒಂದು ಹೊತ್ತಿನ ಊಟಕ್ಕೂ ಅನೇಕ ಸಾಹಸಗಳನ್ನು ಮ  Read More...
Published on Jul 22,2020 09:34 PM
जो हो रहा उसे होने दो
By Durgesh Jayam kurmi in Poetry | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
जो हो रहा उसे होने दो तुम ज्यादा ना दुखी हो  थोड़ा-सा तुम ध्यान करो  फ़िर जा के चिन्तन करो  जो हो रहा उसे होने दो    Read More...
Published on Jul 23,2020 05:35 PM
The Gift
By Mridula Singh in Poetry | Reads: 597 | Likes: 0
Title : The Gift The most endearing journey begins by Lord,  When a bundle of joy is put on board. That first cry of the baby in my ears, Brought together smiles and tears. The gentle touch of that soft skin, Gave me lifetime's closest akin. She taught me to sing and rock, And slept in my arm  Read More...
Published on Jul 24,2020 12:49 PM
My Little Cat
By Sheetal Rajput in General Literary | Reads: 606 | Likes: 0
One day I was playing in my backyard with my brother. That day my little cat Bubu seemed to be very enthusiastic. He zestfully climbed upon a nearby drumstick tree. I and my brother watched him doing so. His over enthusiasm motivated him and he went on climbing up. After reaching at the to  Read More...
Published on Jul 24,2020 02:40 PM
Impact of Corona Virus
By ramashery in Poetry | Reads: 219 | Likes: 0
The world runs under chaos and confusion From top to bottom nothing is left untouched.Leaders change the way of consulting people,Stopped meetings to listen to their problems.People missing to see them in the gathering,They bound to live in such a pathetic condition.Small industries lost the workers  Read More...
Published on Jul 24,2020 04:38 PM
One day
By Ashar in Poetry | Reads: 256 | Likes: 0
A day gone by, You are thrilled to learn, Only you cry, What I have to do to make it undone. The silence you hear, The words that mock, I am alone tonight, I am a fighter. I hear people, Talking gibberish, I feel they are alone, Trying to muster courage. I feel for you, I drive the levers, I am o  Read More...
Published on Jul 24,2020 06:52 PM