War Story

Bio War (COVID - 19)
By Sneha Hembram in War Story | Reads: 805 | Likes: 0
The year 2020 is dealing with bio war declared by the virus name CORONA also called COVID - 19 as it was discovered in year 2019. The whole world is effected by this virus as it transmit really fast from person to person. This virus is new so there are no vaccine yet. The only thing which can  Read More...
Published on Mar 31,2020 08:46 AM
मजबूर मजदूर - कोरोना, भूख व पलायन
By Dr Jagdish Prasad in War Story | Reads: 1,177 | Likes: 0
प्रलय तुल्य कोरोना वायरस ने चीन, अमेरिका, ब्रिटेन, जर्मनी , इटली, स्पेन, ईरान, जापान जैसे अनेक विकसित देशोको घुटने पर   Read More...
Published on Mar 31,2020 12:31 PM
"Under the Stars You and I"
By Kritika Malhotra in War Story | Reads: 417 | Likes: 0
"Under the Stars You and I" Folded hands, chanting prayers, looking sky with glitter of hope in eyes and creating a beautiful picture of each other. Praying for well being, on different roofs, happiness, standing alone, united souls, Army men, lovely wives, Sacrifice #love #life  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 03:50 PM
A warrior
By Manjula SuriyaPrakash in War Story | Reads: 349 | Likes: 0
She was made to fear not to speak loudly She was beaten up  not to step out the home She was made to scream where the pain wasn't heard, still She hid it She hid everything, but those scars never stopped her from  her sacrifices those pains never stopped her from  keeping her promises  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 07:27 PM
Cross fire
By Kanishka Roy in War Story | Reads: 536 | Likes: 12
Every day, exactly at 7a.m., the old man with his old side bag would report for work. He changed two trains and walked 2k.m. to reach the academy. His job in the morning was to open the gates on time, roll the carpets on the floor, make sure the first-aid box was in place, fill the water filters, a  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 02:53 AM
India's hope versus COVID 19
By Pankaj Dey(Sikander Singh) in War Story | Reads: 1,306 | Likes: 4
India's fight with terrorism was not still ended, Global COVID 19 crises arised, India learned from the world that the humanity is at stake. Soldiers,doctors and government trying to end the crisis, Public and government trying to support all labours, Except few political conspirators all India in   Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 08:51 PM
The Trail to Recovery
By G3 in War Story | Reads: 694 | Likes: 0
A long time ago When wars were fought Between both sides of a valley Its towering hill tops touching the clouds. And in the valley A little baby, cooed loudly for his mother The mother swept tears of anxiety from her cheeks  Tears of love Tears of loss Running down her cheeks  Hit the lit  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 04:55 AM
HUMANS VS NATURE...What do you think?!!
By Rajendrani Roy in War Story | Reads: 1,106 | Likes: 0
A Virus. A Virus that is a threat to the mankind.How funny isn't it ?!!! We, humans, always used to think that"Shobar Upore Manush Shotto Tahar Upore Keu Nei" - Meaning :"Above all is human, no one else is". But, just a tiny parasite is now a threat to 7 billion humans. Now, this is t  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 01:43 PM
Untold Story of a Warrior
By Soneeta Senorita in War Story | Reads: 368 | Likes: 0
  Untold Story of a Warrior   Pride…. Respect, Independence, Positive attitude, Bold that’s the definition she always wanted to acquire and also wanted to become her father’s pride. A daughter’s most favourite person Dad…..the person whom she can count on&he  Read More...
Published on Apr 19,2020 08:23 PM
A Broken Glass Piece
By Shilpi Srivastava in War Story | Reads: 885 | Likes: 8
This Poem is direct from my heart and hopefully I have been successful in writing least of 1% of the feelings the brave women of are country have in the heart. A broken Glass piece   To you, I look like a broken glass piece, I tried, I tried, but the pain doesn’t ease. I know I yelled  Read More...
Published on Apr 20,2020 01:52 PM
The battle of loss.
By Shradha Solanki in War Story | Reads: 266 | Likes: 1
She sat their, cradling his head. Everyone around her rejoiced. She knew she should be happy too, but she couldn't hold back her tears. She stared at his body lying in her hands. Streams of blood flowing through his head, drenching his clothes. She tried hard to stop the bleeding, but nothing could   Read More...
Published on Apr 24,2020 06:06 PM
By Shirsath Samiksha in War Story | Reads: 1,157 | Likes: 0
"उड़ान... सपनों की" निकल पड़ा है तू सपनों की चाह में पर दिल की ये आरज़ू सहज नहीं होगी पूरी घड़ी जो है ये तेरे इम्तिहान क  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 03:27 PM
By Abhishek Gaukhede in War Story | Reads: 765 | Likes: 0
Woh chor kar apna ghar mera ghar bachta hai, Woh desh ka jawan hai , Mere prano ke liye apne prano ka balidaan deta hai , Sard raato me jag kar apna farz nibhata hai , Chahe jitni bhi aa jaye mushibat woh nhi ghabrata hai , Ghar se jab aaye khat toh apne aasu chupata hai , Har jawan ka parivaar bas   Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 08:31 PM
Driving License of an unsung hero of World War II
By Rabin Prasad Kalita in War Story | Reads: 868 | Likes: 0
Though my dad was a brilliant student but his father Dhaniram wanted him to assist his other two brothers in farming at their huge agricultural land. Farming was the main occupation to live one’s life in those days. Dad was not at all interested in farming but wanted to continue with his stud  Read More...
Published on May 13,2020 10:19 PM
भारत माँ की मिट्टी
By RAJESH KUMAR VERMA in War Story | Reads: 1,447 | Likes: 1
ये भारत माँ की मिट्टी, अब हमें  बुलाती है, बलिदान चाहती है बलिदान चाहती है | तड़फ -तड़फ  कर जब हमारी जान जाती है, रोती ह  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 11:42 AM
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