General Literary

Everything is Temporary
By Preeti Bisht in General Literary | Reads: 1,884 | Likes: 1
Just another day, Starting my day like a never-ending loop. I woke up, got ready and headed to work. Working all day with a long face, I returned home. Just another day of the same not ending loop, again I woke up and heard about the fearsome situation of Coronavirus, which has just spread on a glob  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 09:23 PM
Moving On
By Chandrayan Gupta in General Literary | Reads: 1,193 | Likes: 0
 The beggar glanced to his right, and saw that the young man in his late twenties was back again. He had been coming here, to the dimly lit and barren street, every day for the past week. All he ever did was stare for hours at end out at the lake running alongside the street. His face would reg  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 09:47 PM
The Teenage Dream
By Amitha Nair in General Literary | Reads: 735 | Likes: 1
What is it about being a teenager that drives the whole slot crazy? Is it as they say the “Adrenaline Rush” or maybe we are just too exposed to the transition from fantasy to reality. I just saw a teenage boy doing the “I don’t care” act to unravel how cool he was becau  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 10:09 PM
I'm not a refugee. I am an immigrant.
By Pinky Ashku in General Literary | Reads: 876 | Likes: 0
  This story is of a village in Punjab called Nanoki a small village located in Nabha Tehsil of Patiala district, Punjab with total 13 families residing where their family. This story is about Nanoki family who had 6 brothers and 2 sisters. One of the younger brother named   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 10:25 PM
My Point is…..
By SHALINI SINGHAL in General Literary | Reads: 743 | Likes: 0
The point” of something is the reason for doing it. But this word is often used in the negative sense: “what’s the point?”, “there’s no point“, “I don’t see the point“, etc. In the context of LIFE – “What is   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 10:40 PM
The Silver Lining behind Covid-19
By Huzaifa Shakir in General Literary | Reads: 2,206 | Likes: 5
Today we meet in a dark hour as the worst pandemic in over a century sweeps the globe, stretching health systems and economies to breaking point and fear has enveloped the entire world. So the reason there’s a politics of fear right now is because fear sells. It’s much easier than having  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 11:16 PM
Swatch Bharat Mission
By Rajesh Valse in General Literary | Reads: 476 | Likes: 1
Swatch Bharat Mission ===================== Swatch Bharat itself indicates the tidy mission of India. It is an expected reform from ages. But due to some or the other reason this mission must have been procrastinated. But there were many reformers who intended to sort and maintain hygiene in India.   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 10:59 PM
Some things never dies
By Shambhavi Agrawal in General Literary | Reads: 423 | Likes: 1
For our eyes may defeat us in sight,Lovers may die, But the love never lies.Distance may be encountered for a while,But the emotions felt are always alive.For an angel may let her wings with a smile,But her good deeds will never stop her fly.For the mortal time that passes away,The memories made nev  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 11:03 PM
Be Passive to Break Aggressive
By Shekhar Pawar in General Literary | Reads: 392 | Likes: 1
Now days Corona virus is spreading everywhere with very agressive nature. In this mode, each person on this earth can become passive to end its agression. It simply means, take care of few good habits which government is asking for us. We don't need to add fuel in Corona virus spreading. Be at home   Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 01:58 PM
By sneh goswami in General Literary | Reads: 3,340 | Likes: 1
    बलि उसने  धूल में लथपथ विजय को देखा और उसाँस भर कर रह गई । भोला भाला  सा चेहरा मासूमियत से भरपूर। इस समय अपन  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 11:58 PM
Baby Boomers it's Carona (Covid- 19)!
By Mohd Talha Ahmad in General Literary | Reads: 434 | Likes: 0
I know that you know every single bit of how life goes on. I also know that you have experienced many tough and challenging situations in life. Most importantly I know how risky it is for us to tell you that listen! “I want to guide you for sometime.” May be you will listen to me with c  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 12:12 AM
The Hope
By Sunil Kumar in General Literary | Reads: 2,109 | Likes: 5
Not a story but something to "share with"my planet-mates . In the recent horrendous covid-19 outbreak , which is terrifying and pervasively diffusing through touch, people have an eternal self- assurance "The Hope". People consciously built their aliveness, designed a lively kingdom with in the  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 12:29 AM
By Aimey Augustine in General Literary | Reads: 350 | Likes: 0
The physical activity I engage in during the week are meager and the mental exercise I indulge is quite very much, this doubles when you have anxiety. The pressure I put on my mind sometimes reaches a point that I cant hear my thoughts out loud, and I don't function without my thoughts guiding me. I  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 01:00 AM
Found solace in forgiving
By Lamiya Siraj in General Literary | Reads: 554 | Likes: 4
‘‘Found solace in forgiving’’ As a seven – year old, it felt strange to be ignored by his own father, even though he had high fewer and had met with a domestic accident. His mother had gone out of work, leaving him home to be cared by his father. Was it that he was an u  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 01:03 AM
Paused feelings!
By Kanika Jaitwal in General Literary | Reads: 420 | Likes: 0
Your's truly, The secret listener. The letter ended with a silent word "listener".  By remembering me and the old times,I have been known by many. Day and night,I run before my dream which is meant to be fulfilled by sacrificing so many things. In practicality,I too dream about "we",but there   Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 02:20 AM