By Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami in Poetry | Reads: 405 | Likes: 0
THE LONG AND LONELY PATH For four long weeks India locked down, Every city, every village, every town. The eerie silence all around, Was louder than any raucous sound. Impounded each within their houses, Even the calmest turned into grouses. The drudgery of household chores, Became a never ending bo  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 03:26 PM
In a 'manner' of speaking - I
By Rupnarayan Bose in True Story | Reads: 405 | Likes: 0
Episode: 1 Place: A major road junction in Calcutta Time: Mid morning on a weekday I am on my way to deliver a lecture. The venue is the training college of a very prominent Calcutta-based bank. I get off the underground Metro rail, climb up the stairs into bright sunshine, and move towards the lin  Read More...
Published on May 13,2020 09:57 AM
The Return Of My Love
By Divya Dilip Shetty in Poetry | Reads: 405 | Likes: 0
After Years We Met But Nothing Changed In Between Us, He Was Still The Energetic & Enthusiastic Guy Like Always & Me, The Silent & Moody As Usual, Good To know That We Still Worried About Each Other But Somewhere We Still Missed The Love & The Bond We Shared, He Said Let's Go For A D  Read More...
Published on May 26,2020 03:44 PM
"A Mother's Prayer"
By Pooja Mandla in Poetry | Reads: 404 | Likes: 0
"A Mother's Prayer"Annoyed,Enraged,Perturbed, Queasy!!But desired not this,I'm a motherHow can I afflict them?'Thought' made me freezing I warned them to curtail Cautioned them to care for every living thingGave them signs in the form of Tsunami,Bushfire, floods, earthquake and glaciers meltingBut t  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 09:09 PM
The Wishing Star
By Rajalakshmi Azariah in Poetry | Reads: 402 | Likes: 0
The greys of the late evening Shone upon the misty grass Clouds hovering around Ready to break any time. He smiled as he was enveloped In the warmth of the clouds Beholding the serene mountains, The heart savouring the stillness. Reflections galore, in the whispering night, If only I had a wishing  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 02:48 AM
Caramel Custard
By Sweta N in General Literary | Reads: 402 | Likes: 0
'You would get a retirement than getting a judgement in our system.' swinging his long, black coat, that was covering his quite plump physique and continuing his stiff walk, my lawyer A J Nabar went on motioning towards the crowded street food stalls continuing  'You eat and come while I go for  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 06:17 PM
Excerpts From An Unfinished Story
By Tanya Ranjan in General Literary | Reads: 401 | Likes: 0
There were a lot of things a lot of people told R. People were filled with advices and suggestions. Do this, don’t do that, maybe do a little bit of this and that. R hated people suggesting him things. He remembered after Z’s death, the psych ward got too intense for him and he had to be  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 06:05 AM
An evening by the Ganges
By tina in General Literary | Reads: 401 | Likes: 0
I always find something mysterious in the dusk. The birds returning to their nest, the distant sound of the steamer, the tea sellers in their earnest try to sell some "lemon-chai", the gushing sound of the Ganges water hitting the last step of the ghat and me, observing every minute detail with a pe  Read More...
Published on Apr 3,2020 12:44 PM
Left Unspoken
By Raghav in True Story | Reads: 401 | Likes: 0
I wrote this for my father: The journey of a "sweet-n-salty relation", from complications to silent affection; yes, it's complicated with hidden fun, this is a story of father-and-son. Thoughts can clash, opinions may vary, but loads of expectations, both have to carry; sometimes we love to the mo  Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 08:20 PM
Cave in? Maybe not
By Akhila S. Prakash in Poetry | Reads: 400 | Likes: 0
At ease she felt,  To have let go of her nerves.  Everything in order like before.  On occasion, a slight pain throbbed in her chest,  but quick to suppress,  she was getting better at it.  Hit by a sudden wave of a misfortune,  her fears and anxieties began to br  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 08:58 AM
The Epidemic of Extra Time
By Shivika Saxena in Poetry | Reads: 400 | Likes: 0
Stay put! We are sternly told, Reminsce the days, when we would intentionally put plans on hold. Lack of time & deadlines we would say, What held us back, was our will to stay. As you sit on that comfortable couch, holed up in these four walls, Do you ever wonder what your life has been so far?   Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 03:54 PM
Subconscious Heart
By Sakshi Meghwani in True Story | Reads: 400 | Likes: 0
Voice turned into silence,  Beauty turned into flaws, A woman turned into a survivor.  Trapped and jumbled,  Body feels naked,  But the heart engaged,  For some lust or some fun?  Recalling mind,  Help Somebody please help!!!  Did anybody hear Or it's just me   Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 07:49 PM
Getting Through Adversities
By Satish in True Story | Reads: 399 | Likes: 0
We never know what life has in store for us. Who imagined that we would be in lockdown at homes for weeks because of the unseen Coronavirus? Adversity, beyond our control,  sometime happens and we just have a choice to accept and see how it can be used as an opportunity. Uncertainty is the way   Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 09:48 PM
Not a day goes by
By Kahini Kundu in Romance | Reads: 399 | Likes: 0
How mysterious have you been To colour them black those that haven't seen The way you're in me - More than me — Much more than I've ever been.   Let go of my sky But I won't let us down. Let go of my ground But I want you by my side. Behind the edges that you cross Sketched on my sands an  Read More...
Published on May 12,2020 07:04 AM
If tommorow
By Maryam Beg in Poetry | Reads: 399 | Likes: 0
If tomorrow our sky is no longer blue, And our grounds are no longer green. If tomorrow our moon is no longer white, and our sun is bursting its light. If tomorrow our birds don't fly, And all we are left with is The Sound Of Cry. If tomorrow our souls get free, And we start to run to 'get to Thee'  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 02:00 AM