The Believer
By Pooja in Supernatural | Reads: 295 | Likes: 0
 Musty, the smell of sadness and old age. Somehow her home always hosted this odour. The structure itself seemed to sag. Burdened with its own weight. Forlorn and desolate. It almost looked hunched over and tired. The insides pristine white. The walls painted in purity. She couldn't overcome th  Read More...
Published on Mar 28,2020 05:49 PM
By Arpita Singh in General Literary | Reads: 295 | Likes: 0
The pumping heart turns into stone. The veins freeze. I see the world around. But, I don't notice anything specific. A lot of traffic in the mind. The nerves jamming, thoughts suffocating. The only thing normal, I am still alive. And, quite breathing. Long heaves of the chest: rhythmic acts, a regul  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 02:35 PM
By Pratiksha Pardhe in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
I told them I was fine....! Without arguing or asking further questions, I told them I was fine. I told them there's nothing wrong & life's going great. But than the sudden emptiness questioned my silence. "Are you the way, you were suppose to be always"? I didn't had answer, I didn't explained,  Read More...
Published on Jun 8,2020 03:31 PM
By Namrata Dev in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
Why do I get compared to the stars  and not the sun, sure, smaller in comparison but close enough to you to feel the warming hug than those shiny little things a gazillion miles away, Why do I get compared to the stars and not the moon, sure, reflecting on borrowed light but indefinitely guidin  Read More...
Published on May 18,2020 01:21 AM
One sided lover
By rekha vinod in Romance | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
She isnt the type of girl you could easily understand, and thats what i love about her. You had to learn her everyday. She is made up of mistakes and blessings. She is made up of imperfect perfection. Being with her is like a thrilling adventure everyday. And above all, she has a huge heart. A heart  Read More...
Published on Jun 6,2020 05:18 PM
By Anushka Gairola in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
Night's youngHeart's brokenYou are not taken Yet you are not mineI felt everything While you were playingThe scars fresh.Your touch fadingMy failed effortsYou tried nothing.I want you.You want somethingI thought foreverBut It was just fling.A nightmareI was dreaming.  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 07:42 PM
To the one who was always getting away
By Sai Tharun in Romance | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
To the one that was always getting away, I've known you almost half my life now, and from day 1 of knowing you, i don't believe I ever held you even once thinking you were mine to hold. When we met, you were this bright little bundle of energy, talking the randomest things on Facebook chat with me.   Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 06:19 AM
but my mom says
By Manjari Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 293 | Likes: 0
They ask me why I’ve gotten such a big mouth for a lady And too thin of a stomach for a girl. They question my hair, picking it apart strand by strand I wish I could scream back at them, “Beware, this is a no man’s land.” These legs weren’t silked for you to trace along  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 12:58 PM
By Simar kapoor in Poetry | Reads: 292 | Likes: 0
When everyone you knew broke your trust When those pretty faces turned to dust The Universe wanted you to know "Their bonds with you were just for show"  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 08:05 PM
Light in the time of darkness
By Bhavana Sanon in General Literary | Reads: 292 | Likes: 0
This short essay is my perspective on the current world situation with the outbreak of Covid-19. Yes, it is disturbing and deadly and it has thrown the mightiest of us on our knees and locked us up like animals in a cage (for a change) fighting for survival; but the world is changing and in some asp  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 01:04 PM
By Lomlom Mizo in Poetry | Reads: 292 | Likes: 0
In these illusory scrapes of nostalgic imagery, The mind wanders amidst the past; I was such an angry kid when you and I met, Carrying pain on my left hand and chaos on the right; With a tongue clad with poison and the words calculated to wound your soul. I was always so angry at the world I c  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 12:10 AM
Three Words
By Siddhi Joshi in Poetry | Reads: 291 | Likes: 0
Three Words  Three words that I have been dying to hear from you,  Just say them and I will be your forever,  Just the both of us under the moonlight,  Just say them and I will be yours forever.  For ever since I saw you,  My ears await to hear those three words, Three  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 01:01 PM
By Shreya jain in True Story | Reads: 291 | Likes: 0
I played the first song of a recommended playlist by him. The song was so wholesome, I closed my eyes and leaned back on the metro door. I don't know what music does to me. A heavenly, strange, out of the world feeling surrounded me. My heart was full of happiness. I was reliving my yesterday. I fel  Read More...
Published on Apr 15,2020 08:10 PM
Twenty Twenty Anguish
By Sonal Singh in Poetry | Reads: 290 | Likes: 0
Darkness on all forth  Hush ! pioneers on pressure ,  Em ! being a roller around ,  More oftenly the elites to ground ,  Peep'd all way down , Trembling echo's  Jury and critics on hunt ;  Lockers to throw on  Piper's on savage to weed  Run .. trashing echoing  Read More...
Published on May 11,2020 10:57 AM
Moments of Life
By Sankalp Shrivastava in Poetry | Reads: 290 | Likes: 0
Life is a compilation of moments we live. Some of them are beautiful. Some of them are fearful. Some of them are worth the wait. Some of them are just fate. Every moment has its own importance. Every moment has it’s own say into how our life may shape up. As a human, we make big plans fo  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 03:06 PM