Have you ever met yourself?
By pooja saroj in Travel | Reads: 289 | Likes: 0
Travelling for the first time to another country made me nervous and also jet lagged due to 10-11 hours of travel. But also I was so excited to meet new people and experience new culture and for my internship. Travelling to Egypt and that too in Ramadan was like cherry on a cake. I am so glad I met   Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 09:46 AM
Digital Boon VS Corona Curse
By shilpa Mishra in True Story | Reads: 289 | Likes: 0
*DIGITAL BOON vs CORONA CURSE* In the matter of just a week India went from a do-not-panic state to a state of complete lockdown! Corona curse is spreading like wildfire. But at the same time we are witnessing a digital boon in the form of TV, Internet, Webinar, Blog posting, digital businesses, Ti  Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 06:40 PM
A demon battled by every woman.
By Divya Ranganathan in True Story | Reads: 289 | Likes: 0
There I was, after school going to the dance class I loved.A place that had been my second home and where joy knew no bounds. A place that took me in and moulded me for who I have become,has given me everything from the way I walk to the carefree feeling I have when I begin to dance.That was it for   Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 07:59 PM
Moments of Life
By Sankalp Shrivastava in Poetry | Reads: 289 | Likes: 0
Life is a compilation of moments we live. Some of them are beautiful. Some of them are fearful. Some of them are worth the wait. Some of them are just fate. Every moment has its own importance. Every moment has it’s own say into how our life may shape up. As a human, we make big plans fo  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 03:06 PM
So, my eyes have been peeled off!
By Anuska Choudhury in Poetry | Reads: 289 | Likes: 0
My sleep is made of glass, My dreams are of stones; Without a dint of my knowledge My tears merged with my bruises; So, my eyes have been peeled off!   First time I suffered loss was When I lost my dear kitty; That was too painful Too small I was to get back to my senses, Oh what a pity; So, my  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 08:19 PM
Twenty Twenty Anguish
By Sonal Singh in Poetry | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
Darkness on all forth  Hush ! pioneers on pressure ,  Em ! being a roller around ,  More oftenly the elites to ground ,  Peep'd all way down , Trembling echo's  Jury and critics on hunt ;  Lockers to throw on  Piper's on savage to weed  Run .. trashing echoing  Read More...
Published on May 11,2020 10:57 AM
By Namrata Dev in Poetry | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
How beautiful is the moon, the Goddess of the night bathed in an ocean full of milk, A vision of trance, in her unpigmented alabaster self, sending in her cherry kisses to my enthralled face, through the Midnight's breeze caressing my cheek, like the touch of lace and I, on the frozen floor of my du  Read More...
Published on May 18,2020 01:28 AM
By Pinky B. in Poetry | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
Not the same anymore, Circumstances lulled changes in me,Come smoldering petty issues,To bid me adieu.You beat me to death,Till I filled my sky with teary days,Smashed me to pieces,Until I tripped over weary ways.But too late now dearest issues,I know you too well to falter,Can't you see the flaw in  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 01:55 PM
Blixer Discovers The Blisters...
By Dhyani Patel in Fantasy | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
In the dense forest forests of Duskery, there lived generations of varieties of animals. They had a town built in the forest which they called ‘The Animal Kingdom.’ Sherin, the lion, was the king of the town, which was designed and brought up by the most aged and experienced gorilla dwe  Read More...
Published on May 29,2020 02:09 PM
Exploring Choices
By Mansi Dave in True Story | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
What do you want to do when you grow up? Before I actually find and explore the answers. I was made to choose between science, commerce, and humanities. Even before I actually understand and realize what is growing up. I was thrown into the adult world. Then I studied, studied and studied. I gave ex  Read More...
Published on May 18,2020 02:18 PM
Farewell Dear Friend
By Bushra in Poetry | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
True friendship isn't about being inseparable, it's about being seperated and nothing changes.It's the friends we meet along the road that help us appreciate the journey. :) Just beside you or far away, true friends are forever close to your heart. They are like the wind. You can never see  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 07:13 PM
Magic Inside- With things that could be
By Aashi Krishnatray in Poetry | Reads: 287 | Likes: 0
If I could fly I would Far away into the woods. A sense of passion I believe Could take me where, The snow could rest upon the leafless tress. A place of magic I see, Where even the trees could see. Well, now I imagine what it could be When I could fly, Amongst the sense of relief. Wings open and   Read More...
Published on May 30,2020 01:11 PM
The sun and the moon
By shweta in Poetry | Reads: 287 | Likes: 0
The complete surrender with which the sun diedEvery single, dark and silent nightGiving up his bright, life giving lightHe loves her, with all his might Undying, unadulterated and passionate love,Moves the earth and heaven above He doesnt falter, he doesnt fadeEver knowing their doomed fate And the   Read More...
Published on May 20,2020 05:55 PM
By shelja gupta in Poetry | Reads: 287 | Likes: 0
Today I set myself free  from the past, the present image i fear  has yet to be surpassed, I'm not afraid, I promise I will  stand to the last .  I hope it's not the end  because changes are yet to impend.  The war I have  chosen to fight,  I hope I make it ri  Read More...
Published on May 31,2020 01:45 PM
Lockdown Love (Final Part)
By Jay in Romance | Reads: 286 | Likes: 0
But that evening she didnt turn up.  Later I noticed that she had called. I also saw a WhatsApp From her asking if I liked the novel.  By the time, Lockdown 2.0 had started and strangely I didn’t called her back immediately.  I sat in the balcony through 2nd round of coffee. I c  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 12:15 AM