
The Death of my Best Friend
By Prabir Sarkar in Fantasy | Reads: 377 | Likes: 0
It was our four year friend-versary. And he came to visit me. What is impossible in this world? Here, everything is possible virtually. Technology brings far ones close and sends closer ones far. Same happened with me. I met Krish in Facebook, four years back. We chat since then. I was in my 10th   Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 11:01 PM
Bats are not so bad.
By Navratna solanki in True Story | Reads: 261 | Likes: 1
As usual, the day before yesterday, they came in the evening but Dadaji (our neighbor) saw them and created a ruckus in the neighborhood. They came, they came and on hearing this Buaji (Buhaji of Moholla) also came out ands she also started shouting Satan came, Satan. Shove them or else they will ca  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 11:10 PM
As a Child
By Sangeeta in Poetry | Reads: 328 | Likes: 1
As a child the smile I wore Was full of innocence and nothing more As a child the gleam in my eyes Had only truth and no lies As a child the heart that I carried Never had so much of emotions buried  As a child the words I uttered  Was straight and clear and not so cluttered  As a  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 11:50 PM
My page: soulwriters._
By Udita Somani in True Story | Reads: 269 | Likes: 0
Helloo everyone, We are facing a hard time. I hope you all are hale and hearty. My story is about how my family reacted to my passion of writing. I always had a habit of writing something whether it is quotes or general problems. Earlier they weren't so happy about it and also when I started my page  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 12:01 AM
A story for them
By Deepak in Poetry | Reads: 398 | Likes: 3
It was like a story for them  In the aroma of blue and white around  When I had her first glance And it was like a sparkle for me At that time of toys and gifts  I started weavings dreams for me I still remember her hairs falling down her face  Tickling her in one of the candid w  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 12:14 AM
Amma..when will god show the way to go to mars?
By Nivedita A in General Literary | Reads: 329 | Likes: 2
Riah yelled, "Pranith! Pack your bags and get ready.It is late for school".  Pranith was lost in his own thoughts. He didn't care the words of Riah. Riah went near Pranith's room and yelled again."Pranith, It is late, you will be punished if you are late. Please, pack up and get ready". Pranith  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 12:15 AM
An Evening for Her
By Aritra Chakrabarty, Ishan Choudhary in Poetry | Reads: 310 | Likes: 0
The window had befriended me, or was it my confines. It had beckoned me closer, asking to share its view. This room which I belong to, or is it my insecurity. It says the window is notorious, for making you risk beliefs. The adornments I hold on to, or is it my vanity. they say the window is a rus  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 12:24 AM
My Stranger
By srishti mukherjee in Romance | Reads: 399 | Likes: 0
He walked in as usual, a little tired, worn out, like he always did. His face, straight, like he had long forgotten how to smile. "two coffees to go, please" he said sliding a few bills across the counter as he moved to his favourite side of the coffee shop. He seemed to be exhausted, occupied with   Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 12:39 AM
All is Fair!
By Aparna Chandrashekar in General Literary | Reads: 574 | Likes: 3
Ding dong, Asha rang the bell and waited for the door to open. Her mother in law opened the door unsmilingly, and quickly moved out of her way. Asha smiled at her only to be met with complete silence and coldness. Asha quickly changed out of her work clothes, and as she  she went into the kitc  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 12:41 AM
Yes we realized!!
By Rincy in Poetry | Reads: 214 | Likes: 2
It was just a fine day, All of them were busy in their say. Running to offices and still always away. Murmuring, to step from home everyday. Handshakes were just another formality. Meeting up people lost their speciality. The world was all about unreality. Gone were the essence of hospitality. And  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 01:08 AM
By Deekshitha in General Literary | Reads: 727 | Likes: 1
HOPE. This is something which makes each one of us to look forward for a better tomorrow , kick-start the day with a positive outlook , Get healed quick and, Most importantly,  Making the present happy. Hope is the beacon of light in this silhouette world. During these times of intense darkness  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 01:13 AM
Speak my mind
By Krati Saxena Badlani in Poetry | Reads: 331 | Likes: 1
I wish a thousand things tonight I wish I could speak my mindIn the midst of chaos when thoughts combineI pick up my pen and try to findA little sequence and light divineBut all I could muster were the tears of mineI wish a thousand things tonight I wish I could speak my mindPeople with ch  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 01:22 AM
Let Our Love Grow
By Divya Patnaik in Poetry | Reads: 270 | Likes: 0
You say you are damaged But that is not what I see I see a survivor Fighting valiantly I see the sadness behind your eyes I see the fire too You talk to many But your friends are few At times you hide behind indifference But I can see that you care So love, show me this damage that you talk of,  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 01:33 AM
By Chrissy Tyrianne in True Story | Reads: 295 | Likes: 0
This is strange, this is surreal...When we thought in this 21st century there is no sickess that are incurable, no disease that can't be recovered through operations or with high made modern medicines in this world. When we were all living a normal happy life, planning our lives ahead, our days to c  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 01:37 AM
By richa ajmera in Western | Reads: 432 | Likes: 0
Winters are the best, because we don't need to wax. You don't require anybody for snuggle, because with your blanket you can cuddle. You don't need to shower, because anyways who the hell will give  you flowers. You don't need beside you one more seater, because there always will be a heater .   Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 01:39 AM