
By Chrissy Tyrianne in True Story | Reads: 669 | Likes: 0
This is strange, this is surreal...When we thought in this 21st century there is no sickess that are incurable, no disease that can't be recovered through operations or with high made modern medicines in this world. When we were all living a normal happy life, planning our lives ahead, our days to c  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 02:02 AM
By Anto in General Literary | Reads: 404 | Likes: 0
The world is such a beautiful place to live for all the living species. We can keep a rover on the surface of the moon and come back without many hurt feelings but we can’t keep our fish globe there with all the apparatuses and sufficient amenities for that fish to survive. Because the earth i  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 03:17 AM
The gift of lockdown
By shalini in True Story | Reads: 274 | Likes: 0
Before Instagram, before there was less. To look. Forward to. Before I existed in places and people -I existed in pages and spines. Before I met the people (Idealists,junkies,you name it) who changed me from a full blown nerd to a party freakster, and then in between, before I met the existence I so  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 05:43 AM
By tolayimsu in True Story | Reads: 583 | Likes: 1
We say struggle yes everyone has their on struggle what to you say?yes everyone has their own weakness in life.! but in my case the struggle which I faced was different .here I go.         "When I was 12 years old my mom divorce with my daddy without any reason behind. Maybe  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 06:44 AM
The hope still burns bright
By Ishika in General Literary | Reads: 272 | Likes: 1
Slowly opening my eyes, I moved my fingers and stretched my feet. It felt weirdly satisfying. I looked around the room and found my sisters on the far left corner of the room. I smiled at their faces, adorned with masks and their bodies wrapped in heavy safety gear. My eyes filled with tears as I lo  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 09:04 AM
By ayushi soni in Poetry | Reads: 275 | Likes: 0
that day that flowers bloom a little princess was born  the only flower among the thorns the world welcomes her in the day of downtime  growing up with one thing in mind goals and dreams its hard to find but she insist to reach the finish line so that everything will going to be fine smi  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 09:05 AM
By B.M. Kapoor in Travel | Reads: 511 | Likes: 1
Guilin is a simple likeable name, but not one that many people would easily recall. Thus I could be forgiven for not readily accepting my travel agent's suggestion that we should include it in our trip to China. I grudgingly agreed. It was only on reaching there that I realized the value of that sug  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 09:21 AM
Lockdown Diaries - Week 1
By Sonia Keswani in General Literary | Reads: 369 | Likes: 0
COVID just began in our country:  Well,in the wake of COVID'19,does anyone even care which caste, creed or color do we belong to? Prayers, treatments and help involving everyone just as humans. Isn't it nature's own way to make us realize the importance of love,respect & brotherhood to safe  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 09:53 AM
8.00 AM
By Prachi Sharma in True Story | Reads: 289 | Likes: 0
It is a fine pleasant morning. The sun has already started peeping through the gap between the curtains. 'Ughhh...once again, i had slept in the opposite manner'. Before I am able to reconcile, the table clock strikes 8.00 am. 'Shit! There is a class at 8.15 and he is not gonna spare me beyond 8.20.  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 09:57 AM
Together, we could deal better
By titiksha in Poetry | Reads: 201 | Likes: 1
I thought a hug could heal,But there's a huge gap between usI thought together,better we could deal.Technology advanced.Virtually, made things possible. But,that warmth of your body could not be felt.The moments of us together, I dwelt.Distance makes bond stronger,I heard that, and maybe believed to  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 10:15 AM
By Nandana Nataraj in Poetry | Reads: 547 | Likes: 1
I watch the fine sand grains trickling through those curves. An undying beauty-she stood over the wooden , worn out table. Gazing through the antique hourglass epitomizing time, a random question shot through my mind. Are my days dropping down , just like the sand oozing down… Slowly did I  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 10:52 AM
By Nandana Nataraj in Poetry | Reads: 214 | Likes: 1
An aura of mystery she has with her coz no one knows what she hides, whether it’s the evil hands or the divine light that could dawn from those impenetrable depths. And the static outlooks yet declare, “Well black ,It’s a color of grief, a porter of rotten luck and downfall it se  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 10:55 AM
Alone Again
By Sakshi Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 241 | Likes: 1
Alone again Just dedicated another day to loved ones Sitting with an empty soul Thinking back on happier times My heart yearns for those better days Family get togethers  Laughs and smiles Memories collecting on piles and piles But now all that piles up on my tears Feels like being stuck in the  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 11:01 AM
Travelled a thousand miles
By Janhavi in Romance | Reads: 447 | Likes: 0
With a pounding heart and the trance of breathing faster than the usual.. To spend those moments with you... To see and feel what it feels like while being in each other's close proximity.. To say things that had been long buried within... To know what those goosebumps were trying to tell me from a   Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 11:04 AM
I know what it is..
By Janhavi in Romance | Reads: 526 | Likes: 0
It's your intensity that takes over my whole being.. It's the feel that I'm most longing to experience.. It's your passion that is most drowning me in.. It's the look in your eyes that take me on a journey to my inner world..never to come back the same It is your vibe that exuberates so much feminit  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 11:06 AM