
You do make my heart smile❤
By Ronit in Romance | Reads: 989 | Likes: 0
U smile but how can ur heart smile? ¤Whenever ur better half tries doing small-small things fr u ¤Including her bestf to prank u   ¤Send ugly but really cutie pics thru d course of day just to make ur day a better thn worse  So tht ur day whines with a big long sm  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 08:26 PM
By Pallabi Baruah in Mystery | Reads: 1,077 | Likes: 5
‘What the hell is going on!’ she wondered.It was not even a month since they had been married, and here she got herself caught up in this weird situation.The story goes back to the next day after they had shifted to his place of work.In the morning, the first thing she noticed was, he   Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 08:31 PM
The Box
By A.Shruti in General Literary | Reads: 975 | Likes: 16
Little Myra was the first one to see it in the morning. It lay there in its entire splendor, a beautiful silver box with a big blue bow on top. She screamed in delight. It was the most beautiful box that she had ever seen. Her howls brought in a rush of footsteps towards the room. Soon there was sma  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 08:48 PM
A mini story
By A.Shruti in Poetry | Reads: 1,068 | Likes: 0
A story was left incompleteI never knew it's end.It started with promisebut changed to keep with trend.I didn't complain,for this was also fine.But the Author seemedto have changed His mind.There was a new twist,it was back to beginning.Thought okay fine,now I'll know the end.But there seems to be n  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 08:50 PM
By Chithra Rangarajan in Poetry | Reads: 593 | Likes: 4
I greeted you as a little one in your mom’s arms Your fingers rubbed me kindly as you passed by. In a little while a toddler crawled towards me. I stood solid to support those delicate legs. You glimmered with your incisors. Gradually you ascended and shook me briskly Seeking to venture the u  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 08:59 PM
By savita Kapoor in Poetry | Reads: 603 | Likes: 0
Mausoleum There is a mausoleum in every heart, whether you admit or not.  Be you White, Black or Brown, you carry one, whether you admit or not.  The mausoleum in us is so deep and dark no one can see with in.  Whether you admit or not.  What do we bury there? Is it the fear or f  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 09:16 PM
Something which never started
By Khushi Narsingh in Romance | Reads: 567 | Likes: 4
Something which never started. It's been 3 years since we've been in touch with each other. Someone asked me today about "how was he?" And for the first time didn't have an answer. When we were in school, that crowded classroom echoed my silence. And no one knew about "Kriti's" painful life. Parth w  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 09:32 PM
By dhanavarshini in True Story | Reads: 460 | Likes: 0
Yes! It was a quarantine evening.... I am so bored...I asked my father for a kite! He made it for me and we went upstairs to make it fly.I saw many people like us who are upstairs to fly their own kite. All are happy with their family and raising their kite to much height as possible..but some kites  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 09:36 PM
My mother is taken granted
By sravani in Poetry | Reads: 261 | Likes: 0
You are huge and limitless,o lady!  But I was told I’m the king of this land. You are pleasing and beautiful. O lady!  But I was told that’s to serve my purpose. You have many children. O lady!  But I was told human race is the greatest. How stupid I couldn’  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 10:18 PM
Love you!
By Aishwarya Rele in Poetry | Reads: 241 | Likes: 0
U entered my life as an unknown face!  We both belonged to the same love's race!  Little could we control our attraction!  I aimed for u as my ultimate love's destination!  To find someone like u is so rare!  U can't imagine for u overflows my care,  U r so precious fo  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 11:27 PM
Best friends?
By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 291 | Likes: 2
They were so close to each other that some found it cute and some got jealous. A friend of her's said," You are really lucky. Your boyfriend is very cool." She looked confused and exclaimed," Dude! We are best friends." And he nodded his head and said," Yes!"  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 11:31 PM
Lockdown Extended
By Vighnesh Keluskar in Romance | Reads: 456 | Likes: 1
(On Video call) "Listen were is maida", Abhishek asked Kavya. "2nd shelf, right cupboard, Abhi....", Kavya replies. (Abhi and Kavya were in live-in-relationship) "This wouldn't have happened if you ever paid attention in home", Kavya replied in a sarcastic tone. (Kavya was stucked in Banglore as the  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 11:40 PM
Listen - Hear Conundrum
By Sai Pallavi in True Story | Reads: 1,626 | Likes: 3
I return home and start whining about my office politics. You are out there in the kitchen, busy battering and end up shutting my mouth with your spoonful of love. Eventually the night concludes with us cuddling. I start cribbing about the uber rides ,GST bills and what not (Of course that includes  Read More...
Published on Apr 23,2020 12:58 AM
Redefined love
By Shivani in Romance | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0
Looking at the stars, muskan stood staring at the darkness, finding some hope in those little stars.  A message notification popped in which read as ' dear muskan i loved you then and will love forever' yours forever dear preet. Muskan was already in tears, with the miserable pain of death witn  Read More...
Published on Apr 23,2020 02:03 AM
time machine
By priyanka Vishwakarma in Poetry | Reads: 963 | Likes: 1
If I have a time machine  I wants to relive my beginning  If I have a time machine  I wants to relive the baby in me  I wants to relive my first birthday  I wants to relive my walk  I wants to relive that emotion  I wants to relive my mother's love  I wants to  Read More...
Published on Apr 23,2020 02:44 AM