
Letter to long distance best friend
By Vanshika Garg in General Literary | Reads: 909 | Likes: 1
A letter to long distance best friend...     -> Hey! my favourite human❤️,  I want you to know even when world will against you i am still there standing by your side no matter what if we having fight or me having my own problems, you will always have my back . No matter how fa  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 12:49 AM
I'm your Polaris (North Star )
By naveena in Romance | Reads: 350 | Likes: 1
Can I be your never dying star  watching you all night ? I ll shine for you so hard; These superficial clouds can't hide me !  I ll wait for you to watch me; And say " Thats my sparkling diamond " ! May be the distance looks so big to say a simple hi  I ll be down to earth just for  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 01:35 AM
Life is a twist
By susanna celsia in General Literary | Reads: 496 | Likes: 2
After a long long time my soul feels calm and still... although a strom is ranging in the deepest waters of my heart, I still perceive calmness as I see the  calm waters .Although I see calm waters my eyes dont believe them, they feel it's an illusion after months of stormy sea and angry waves   Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 08:55 PM
Have Dinner With Us
By Eleena Sanyal Banerji in General Literary | Reads: 890 | Likes: 4
The doorbell rang.  I wiped the torrents of perspiration sliding down the sides of my face with the back of my hand. I peeped into the video doorphone monitor. She was bending over a walking stick.  I switched off the gas and rubbed my hands on my apron. It turned white with atta (flour).   Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 02:07 AM
My Path...
By T.SANTHISWARI in True Story | Reads: 454 | Likes: 4
              He/she in this world is working towards his/her dream. People have different dreams, and they are working hard to achieve their dream. I too have a dream. My dream/ambition is to complete Ph.D, and it is my long-term goal. From my school days, I had a  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 03:49 AM
Humans and Reptiles
By Kanishka Roy in Poetry | Reads: 363 | Likes: 0
The last of the free thinkers,Oogle-eyed Google intellects,Stoned on their incomplete knowledge,Masturbating in the face of a pseudo-conflict,Not knowing what to know,But to only speak and speak and speak,These 4-chambered hearts teach 3-chambered ones, That wall-crawling is not the way of civil bre  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 04:05 AM
By manpreet kaur in Poetry | Reads: 279 | Likes: 0
Exile Exile for a while  This hostile This hostile  is is not revile Versatile But surely nature is versatile Worthwhile  This stoicism is worthwhile Compile,  Compile all the dirt of negativity and throw away  Fertile Fertile will be the fruit of patience Dial Dial your old  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 06:57 AM
I am reminding
By manpreet kaur in Poetry | Reads: 239 | Likes: 0
I'm reminding me of  one of my poems it is sounding  as if it is a song playing  again and again in my mind recruiting me to my own aptitude I feel I'm jumping from  cloud to cloud Hopscotching around     I'm reminding me of motherhood ,womanhood , shehood, and everythi  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 06:58 AM
Our Great Mother
By Geet Mazumder in Poetry | Reads: 240 | Likes: 0
Our Great Mother  The rich dusty skin is now getting off It's recreating the old pigments with new tinges, Capturing their modish celebrations, off lenses  Inside their heart, it cares for every breath That is never seen by the human eyes, A heavy headshell behind our back, we move, Half   Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 08:15 AM
Beautifully Painful
By Incredible Scribble in Romance | Reads: 316 | Likes: 0
"I find you in everything that makes me smile, I find you in everything that makes me cry out of joy. You are everywhere, and your love envelops me." I read it again, this was the tenth time, i was reading it today. Maa, how did she even look? Paa told me, that she died young, a beautiful and talent  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 09:30 AM
By Incredible Scribble in True Story | Reads: 469 | Likes: 0
A deathly silence engulfed the house, her bedroom lights were still on, she was still sitting on desk, surfing the net for escape, but from whom? Her thoughts were running, like the city traffic, ever ending, the turmoil in her heart now picked up full swing, she was not ready to rest, enough is eno  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 09:34 AM
By Incredible Scribble in True Story | Reads: 440 | Likes: 0
The present story is my first attempt in anthology series, the theme colour of life in my story presents the varied aspects of many women, who are unsung heros and their emotions are not fictional it's that we don't pay heed to them. Mamta and Madhur were expecting baby after  ages,  they  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 09:41 AM
Sita's Wait
By Incredible Scribble in Mythology | Reads: 787 | Likes: 0
The present story is just a figment of my imagination, it has nothing to do with any religion nor I intend to make fun or bring down any faith, person or gender. It was my simple imagination, curiosity rather on what would have happened to Sita,  Lava and Kusha. How would their relationship be?  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 09:42 AM
1945 A True Love Story
By Incredible Scribble in Romance | Reads: 377 | Likes: 0
It was all dusty, foggy and smokey too. Lahore became the hub of violence and ruined many lives in the wake of independence movement. Sharad was 10, he walked through the streets to meet his friend Suhail, but could not find him. Sharad was scared now that Suhail left Lahore without him. Both were o  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 09:44 AM
By Incredible Scribble in General Literary | Reads: 488 | Likes: 0
It was early mornings of February, dark,  foggy and chill all around Delhi. Ramchandra was getting ready for his morning rituals,  an old man,  Brahmin,  never betrayed his routine of worship,  even though asthmatic. He heard a shriek,  faint but now louder as if, the h  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 09:45 AM