
By Vanilla Sharma in Thriller | Reads: 605 | Likes: 7
My wheezing breath is deafening. My humdrum heartbeats and the thundering tick-tock of the grandfather clock in the bedroom are close friends. My palpitations, dear friends of death, visit me every twilight. They bring me gifts; gifts of monotony, gifts of trepidation. There is something sinister ab  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 02:17 AM
The silent prayer..
By jenny in Poetry | Reads: 283 | Likes: 0
A silent prayer, from a silent heart ,                         an extra request..in Gods overloaded cart.          A pot complains, to the potter today ,                &  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 02:30 AM
By Durga Priyadarshini R in General Literary | Reads: 1,071 | Likes: 3
It’s almost two weeks since my tail started hurting. This is keeping me worried now because grandpa Oscar says a happy wagging tail is one’s magic wand that heals others. I still manage to run everyday withstanding terrible aches that shoot up like haywire across my back, all for to see   Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 03:34 AM
By Somreeta Das in General Literary | Reads: 508 | Likes: 0
“The patient is under, Doctor”. Aisha took the scalpel and made a five to eight inch right incision in the abdomen. Mili and a nurse folded the skin and held the retractors. Aisha carefully removed the liver to expose the green gall bladder. She gently pulled it up to the cavity. Mili sw  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 04:04 AM
The Game
By Somreeta Das in General Literary | Reads: 648 | Likes: 4
Little Prithvi is playing the match puzzle game on his mother’s console. He just can’t break this level. He has been trying for ages it seems to him. But he’s having fun playing it. He has seen his mother play this game every day. Why she calls it work he has no idea. Work is when   Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 04:15 AM
Reign's End
By Anushka Das in True Story | Reads: 283 | Likes: 0
There it was. So beautiful , so pure. It’s mere presence radiated joyousness , it burst into perfect strands of raucous laughter. It’s aura lured, it’s beautiful spectre beckoned. It burned too brightly and if you got too close, you burned with it. It was so close and yet unreacha  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 09:01 AM
Three Seven Heaven
By Shilpi Srivastava in True Story | Reads: 442 | Likes: 1
Expression of emotions of an individual who has suffered for being a homosexual in our society. This refers to the section 377 of IPC which was introduced during the British time criminalizing homosexuality. In September 2018, Indian Supreme Court has decriminalized the consensual rel  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 09:57 AM
I then asked the Right question
By nikhila reddy in True Story | Reads: 394 | Likes: 3
There is no single day that I have wished to let you out of my life forever.  I cursed my fate every day to have you in my life. I almost forgot who I am. I want to go back to being myself without having to worry about you or what you would do to me.  I was full of joy, yes sadly, I have   Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 10:46 AM
Meaningfull life....
By m.d shireen sulthana in General Literary | Reads: 267 | Likes: 0
     " M: movements in life..                                           " O: ornaments of living child...                      Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 10:59 AM
The selling of Social Distancing
By Niladri in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 353 | Likes: 0
THE SELLING OF SOCIAL DISTANCING.   Interlinks of economic activities and business opportunities are common. An intelligent businessman will find more opportunities than he can discover. The recent worldwide pandemic has created multiple avenues despite the downfall in GDP of many countrie  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 11:03 AM
Fool Finance and a Friend
By Ajitkumar Nambiar in Poetry | Reads: 303 | Likes: 0
I gave him a suggesion He gave me two I gave him an advice He gave me hundreds of them I gave him my word He gave a thousand meanings to it I shared ny thoughts with him He had millions to offer I gave him my faith love and trust He returned everything in multiples I gave him my money He never came   Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 11:05 AM
By m.d shireen sulthana in Thriller | Reads: 275 | Likes: 0
     * World  is mold....                                                       No one can fold...             
Published on May 17,2020 11:17 AM
Crazy Adam Curious Eve
By Ajitkumar Nambiar in Poetry | Reads: 260 | Likes: 0
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water greed made them  to dig a well leading both through a hell and Now the story begins... I lived in a house four walls and a celing a fan a television a telephone a bed a kitchen corner with lots of love and leisure She walked into my l  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 11:25 AM
By Eleena Sanyal Banerji in Poetry | Reads: 1,247 | Likes: 10
The sun shone bright on the railway track The gravel grey and dry  This path would take us home very soon No one could now deny They shoved the breads inside their shirts I did the same with mine My child and man, all those that starved We would eat them all next time Weary of the hot, long wal  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 11:40 AM
Wordlessly Serendipitous
By Aastha Singh Rajput in General Literary | Reads: 495 | Likes: 1
Wordlessly Serendipitous  The dusty evenings of Seoul welcomed me with the noises of blasting horns, roads as busy as ever. I could assume the fuchsia sky was covered with eburnean smog like it did all this time. I’d have loved to complain how this city had turned polluted over the years   Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 11:52 AM