
Left Unspoken
By Raghav in True Story | Reads: 400 | Likes: 0
I wrote this for my father: The journey of a "sweet-n-salty relation", from complications to silent affection; yes, it's complicated with hidden fun, this is a story of father-and-son. Thoughts can clash, opinions may vary, but loads of expectations, both have to carry; sometimes we love to the mo  Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 08:20 PM
The change
By DKapoor in Poetry | Reads: 407 | Likes: 0
I don’t feel much ,  Actually nothing at all ,  I see you with her ,  I’m glad you finished it all ,  Nor I hate you ,  Neither I love at all ,  Just wanted to remind ,  Your presence or absence doesn’t make any difference now for sure .    Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 09:05 PM
Conversation with myself
By praveena in General Literary | Reads: 220 | Likes: 1
Conversation with myself Hey there. It's been a while since we talked. I see that you've grown tremendously since the last time. You're happier now. I'm glad. Or maybe we shouldn't call it happiness.  You just learnt how to live and love yourself. And that's pretty much a good thing. I couldn't  Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 09:24 PM
Jamo Jaso
By Manisha Shabla in Mystery | Reads: 410 | Likes: 1
The strangest thing about this strange journey is that it began with a word. And that word was: “Jaso Jamo”. When I first heard this word , I got a little confused over its origin. I thought maybe it was an exotic language or may be an inside joke. But since this word was directly said t  Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 09:45 PM
Backbencher to a so-called Artist
By Rahul in True Story | Reads: 898 | Likes: 1
Have you ever drawn a picture? If not, don't worry today you will. Have you heard about any drawing artist? Have you gone through their journey? Here, I'm Rahul Kumar, a so called Artist. I am gonna tell you my journey from a backbencher to a so-called Artist.  So as said before, the journey   Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 09:59 PM
Motherhood can change anyone
By B Arvind in General Literary | Reads: 578 | Likes: 6
“The money was good enough. After a long time, I am earning. No, I am counting packets of 500-rupee notes. Swinging the money back and forth, I can relish the air blown from the motion. This place is too lonely. I need to shift to a fresh place tomorrow. A new city. A new life. With this money  Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 09:59 PM
The Room in My Mind
By Ishani in General Literary | Reads: 426 | Likes: 3
When I sit idle I find myself surrounded by a blank space, silent and calm. Nothing of greater priority that can flash Infront to fill the blank space. Neither a path leading to any destination as such. Everything is so idle, so empty and so lonely as it has no one to look up to nor anything in part  Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 10:02 PM
By Ishani in Horror | Reads: 743 | Likes: 2
Again a regular day at office, tapping of keyboards, flipping of pages, phone calls constantly disturbing the peace of mind.  The people were at constant rush for the event coming up. It has always been a dull office yet it looked more busy today. Some got shouted, some were overloaded with w  Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 10:05 PM
Girl who couldn't speak
By Pooja Miglani in Poetry | Reads: 390 | Likes: 0
It happened all of a sudden She started feeling burden   As the clock struck nine She pretended to be fine   As they sit for dinner She pretended to be winner   Through her kind words She kept winning hearts   Things were not going right She Turned off the light   Those scar  Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 10:09 PM
Girl who couldn't speak
By Pooja Miglani in Poetry | Reads: 771 | Likes: 0
It happened all of a sudden She started feeling burden   As the clock struck nine She pretended to be fine   As they sit for dinner She pretended to be winner   Through her kind words She kept winning hearts   Things were not going right She Turned off the light   Those scar  Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 10:10 PM
Raghavi's Story Book - Story 3
By in General Literary | Reads: 482 | Likes: 8
I am Raghavi, I am studying 6th Standard in Everwin Vidhyashram, Perambur. i am writing this during this Corona days Here is my 3rd story.... Read it !!! Enjoy it and Like it !!!   Once upon a time there live a family with their 2 childrens Ram and Ashwin. Ram was very polite and helpful, but A  Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 11:24 PM
My Melancholy
By Anushka in Poetry | Reads: 290 | Likes: 1
My Melancholy My grief, even if it's grief Is so pure, so holy. Unlike that decorated happiness I've found peace in my melancholy. I didn't realise when my sadness and solace became synonyms. I never knew my sorrows  were turning into religious hymns. Being loving and caring  always led t  Read More...
Published on Jun 2,2020 12:13 AM
Curve of your lips
By Udita Saroha in Romance | Reads: 633 | Likes: 6
It was a humid afternoon in August when their paths first met. He was shy and blushed almost at everything. She was fierce and vocal. He noticed her but for her he was just another he. Destiny played it's notorious trick when in the second semester they were both moved to the same section. This shif  Read More...
Published on Jun 2,2020 12:31 AM
Sakura Empress!
By Twinkle in Poetry | Reads: 228 | Likes: 0
You let down your self worth to ashes, Forgot to breath and rise through it. You chose to burn nor shine, You aren't someone to meet this ending! Criticism didn't thaw you, Opinions didn't affect you. Never fragile, not timid. No way have I known you as you're now! Rise up, Empress! Conquer the real  Read More...
Published on Jun 2,2020 12:45 AM
By tzee in Poetry | Reads: 215 | Likes: 1
Dear corona already have our attention you made us panic,in order to lose intention it is true this is your session exclusive of contact, we do communication you give us a task,of wearing mask not only that but also washing our hands with soap,water ,when you use sanitizer is dope lock down people d  Read More...
Published on Jun 2,2020 12:52 AM