Dream of life
By Preity S. in Poetry | Reads: 375 | Likes: 3
                  Dream of Life Life is but a dream, which starts and ends like a stream.  We travel in the dream, through timelines and frontiers unseen. Sometimes happy while other times fearful, sometimes uplifting, exhilarating and other times  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 06:58 PM
गर्मियों के दिन
By Himanshu in General Literary | Reads: 375 | Likes: 1
गर्मियों के दिन की पिछली कड़ी में आप सभी ने विजय और बाबा को समझा, गांव की पृष्ठभूमि पर आधारित, एक लघु कथा को समझा ही नह  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 11:09 AM
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 375 | Likes: 0
Nature It holds a great, creator's signature The images of universe can be seen In a small scene of nature.  Inhale the fragrance, truly experience Even your nature make sense A life of abundance, you must venture Rather than in security, spend in opportunity Look natural beauty beholding purit  Read More...
Published on May 19,2020 10:01 PM
A real man indeed
By Vusi Mxolisi Zitha in Poetry | Reads: 375 | Likes: 0
  After saying all this, his wife smiled and hugged him saying; “I’m very proud to have you as my husband, You are a real man with a good heart A true soldier of justice, you plead the case of the innocent You look beyond appearances and stick to your assurances What makes a man is  Read More...
Published on May 25,2020 08:06 PM
Love finds it's way
By P. Sharma in True Story | Reads: 375 | Likes: 2
Relaxing in balcony at wee hours on cosy chair,Yamini was thinking,"it has been more than a month but there is no update from Kunal. What would be the reason?" Before lockdown, we used to have morning tea together at office. She was so occupied in her thoughts that her hot tea was turned into cold t  Read More...
Published on Jun 13,2020 09:16 PM
New life
By Harsha in True Story | Reads: 375 | Likes: 0
That was  a beautiful rainy evening.I was returning from my office in my bike.I saw a  girl standing alone near a tree.I went near her.she was shivering in rain.I asked her to come with me to my house which is  at a few kilometer distance.At first she refused but then she blindly trus  Read More...
Published on Jun 13,2020 09:37 PM
Life is a Contrast
By Mridula Singh in Poetry | Reads: 375 | Likes: 1
Title: Life is a Contrast Life is a dazzling firework against some dreaded blasts. Always some humour arising from it's many contrasts. Sometimes the memorable events keep us alive, Other times memories only sting as bees erupts from hive. We live with people for life and never know them ever, While  Read More...
Published on Aug 5,2020 02:49 PM
Insights from a Woman's heart.
By Himani Thakur in Poetry | Reads: 374 | Likes: 0
'A woman's biggest enemy is a woman' They keep repeating this phrase very often.  For their dark minds have lost the ability to question, And their heart follows the same false direction.  But who are 'they', do I really care?  Though sometimes their 'accusations' make me scare.   Read More...
Published on Mar 28,2020 12:44 PM
By Meghna Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 374 | Likes: 0
याद है वो दिन जब तूने पहली बार मुझे अपने हाथों में खिलाया था याद है वो दिन जब तूने मुझे लाडो कहकर  बुलाया था याद है व  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 12:02 AM
By Nisha Yadav in Poetry | Reads: 374 | Likes: 0
Thinking is an addiction Which every human is addicted to. All your thoughts are more like fiction Which every human is conflicted to . If you let your mind control you It is the worst prison you're convicted to. Don't let your thoughts rule you  Don't let your mind fool you. It won't let y  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 08:00 AM
the art of unloving
By Avni Jain in Poetry | Reads: 374 | Likes: 9
this sunset doesn’t make me miss you anymore, the clock’s ticking, now doesn’t prick a needle in chest, reminding me of you. now the calmness in air doesn’t remind me of your safe arms, this beautiful evening doesn’t make me go back to the evenings you made beautiful. t  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 09:50 PM
By Deepa Srinivasan in Poetry | Reads: 374 | Likes: 7
DO YOU??  Do you really think it's easy to lead a man's life?  Do you really think there are no pressures, no restrictions, no fears for a man??  Do you really think the society gives it's full freedom, and not judge a man?  Do you really think there is no such thing called pain   Read More...
Published on Apr 3,2020 02:06 PM
A walk in the clouds
By Anila in General Literary | Reads: 374 | Likes: 2
Ugh! These traffic blocks! Something she hated about long highway drives were these unending lines of trucks which during their slow movement resembled muddy caterpillars! It must be well past 4 pm. In her hurry to get away to be alone, she had dropped her watch into her toilet kit.When she last sto  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 08:38 PM
I and my heart
By Suchismita Behera in Poetry | Reads: 374 | Likes: 0
I....see a dream with unknown time to grasp that moment meant for mine Earlier used to spent those days among the vibes of calm, quiet and silence where my soul was stable as it hardly gets understand Today, every next moment, a sign of fear future seems scary, says my tear I have with me, bundle   Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:51 PM
Crowned bays
By Kunnil Aysha in Poetry | Reads: 374 | Likes: 0
Hold onto my hand let me show you the world You'll come to know as you grow old For the people in here cries are just another breaking news Your cry won't matter too so don't be amused The person who cares for you is your mother And the person beside you is only you This land used to be filled with   Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 10:18 PM