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Just Another Day

by Akshat Sapra   

It is Friday morning, 8:30 AM, Sun is at its peak shining brightly and glaring through the windows of small apartment in Bangalore where Arun Singh, another Software Engineer is sleeping and recovering from fatigue of previous day's work at a very prestigious IT Firm(referring here by name "Company") so that he can gather all the energy that he is capable of to achieve all the milestones( as they refer to daily chores of an IT Engineer) for just another day. He wakes up at 9:45 AM after series of snoozes just 15 minutes prior to the final boarding call of company. He washes his face with Dettol Handwash as he forgets everday to buy a new facewash, changes his clothes which he worn day before yesterday, kept his toothbrush in his bag and leaves for the company which is just 5-minutes walk from his apartment to start just another day.

Arun Singh, reaches his desk at 11:15 AM after spending 40 minutes in washroom and another in having breakfast. "Hey Arun, you reached finally, now come to my desk" greets Mr. Nishant T, Arun's Boss dressed up like a true gentleman, devious eyes and always having a smiling face more like a smirk. Arun like a true soldier but with a sleepy eyes and fake smile, he went to Nishant's desk.

and Nishant started in broad and commanding voice "Today, you have to clean up the code and make it readable according to companies code guidlines and you also have to maintain the documentation for that and I need all of that Monday morning, and that is all". Arun like a true soldier keeping his humor intact said "Definiltely, nishant as you command" and with true determination went to the desk, booted his computer, checked his mails and finally, it was the time for Arun to switch to the machine mode, No-Emotion mode, full charged up which enables him to complete his work irrespective of ticking hours one by one like seconds, and all the sounds except one which is rustling of keys which makes him attentive and nothing else. For, external viewer this almost seems like a landscape with trees and rivers and people laughing and running and in the middle there is Arun Singh working in isolation without any worry of external consequences.

Arun Singh was working in a office till 8:30 PM in a single breath and finally shuts down his computer to call the day off and ran like "RoadRunner". But, while coming out of office what he saw made his world stand still and earth started slipping away from his feet. He saw two guys talking and laughing and suddenly five girls come and join them and they are having good time together and this is the only thing Arun could see surrounded with sparkles and progressing with speed in terms of fractions of second. Then, he asked himself "What am I doing? Why I am doing all this when I don't see anything fruitful in future coming out of it?". He then went home with heavy head containing lots of thoughts and questions and laid down on his bed just thinking about his future and felt asleep within seconds just like child sleeps in his mother lap.

It was a long weekend for Arun as he has never felt this before, so much confusion, so much pain, so much frustration. It was like he has lost all the meaning of his life, he is doing nothing worthy that he can call achievements of sort. It was like his girlfriend has left him for life and he is so heartbroken, his days are like night and nights are like days because he was sleeping full day and then awake at night. Time was not passing by for Arun, his beard was all grown up.

Finally, he decided now is the time he should take a stand and finally, do something creative and worthy enough. "On Monday, I will resign from the company and live like a free bird, wooohooooo" Arun made a resolution on Sunday full with excitement and then went to bed and slept again.

Then came Monday morning, he woke up at 8:30 AM before alarm woke itself up and brushed his teeth, had a bath, made breakfast for himself and reached office at 9:30 AM. He was feeling so much pumped up, his gait was very cool and relaxed, his face has so much freshness and he was on the ninth cloud. He reached his desk and he greeted his colleagues. He was waiting for his Boss to come and just when he came he got up and walked up to him with confidence, with straight back and before he could utter anything Nishant interrupted and told him "Handover, all the work that you did on friday and there is another thing you have a presentation to make today for the meeting that we have today in afternoon and you have to complete the extra initiative assignment today", but Arun relpied back "Definitely Nishant as you command".ust like a normal person at company which is not so like a normal person.

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Copyright Akshat Sapra