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Silent messages

by R.Subramanyan   

Silent Messages

This was the third such “procedure” to be carried out by the hospital under the “Active Euthanasia act” passed a year ago. The 80 year old patient was terminally ill. Most of the requirements have been met. Previously executed “Living will”, ”Durable Power of Attorney” given to the elder son, Independent doctor’s endorsement, etc. The two sons of the patient had come to terms with the Euthanasia decision and had signed the consent forms. However, their mother had been resisting the idea so far. But she appreciated their feelings and rights in the matter. They now hoped to persuade her to sign just a “no objection” statement, considered adequate in this case; after getting the patients “final “request

The patient in this case being unable to communicate verbally or even by body signs, the “final” request for euthanasia from the patient had to be obtained by “Eye blink response”. The patient was asked to blink, at least twice, if his answer is “yes”, and refrain from blinking if the answer is “no”. After a few test questions to confirm communication, the doctor explained the situation and asked the patient to consider carefully and answer his question: “Do you want us to carry out the Euthanasia procedure to end your life now?” There was no hesitation. The blinking was intense and prolonged. The Paralegal nodded to the doctor and then to the elder son. The latter then approached his mother, who was still sitting in the bedside chair holding her husband’s hand, her eyes riveted on his face. “Mom, now only your consent remains. You have to state only that you have no objection to our decision. In this form here" She turned to face him, with moist red eyes. No, not that “no objection”form. Give me the “consent” form. I am ready to sign even a “request” form, if there is any. My mind is made up now after watching that. God! I thought the blinking will never stop. Those eyes, desperately pleading, begging, in utter helplessness! (sobs).The abject misery and agony behind them! Why, I am now ready even to carry out the procedure myself! Here (signs the form). Now doctor please hurry, please”. She returned to her bedside vigil.

The doctor, the nurse and the paralegal moved to the other side of the bed, to start the routine. After a few minutes, the doctor suddenly straightened up from the patient and announced “Listen. There will be no procedure now. No need. Madam!, your husband has left us already. On his own. He must have passed away after….” The wife interrupted him.

I know exactly when he died, Doctor.Her voices rang clear in the silence. “I resumed holding his hand after signing the consent form. Within a minute, I felt a twitch from his hand. I knew that the twitch was his farewell message.

I also know why he died then, and not earlier. His message was actually “Thank you, Farewell.” He too was waiting for my consent!.

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Copyright R.Subramanyan