Aparnaa N Raje

Aparnaa Raje has worked in various MNCs as Buying and Merchandising Head for Fashion Apparel and Accessories, and today is a strategy consultant for brands in the Fashion Business. Astrology has been a hobby that has been pursued for more than 15 years. What started as a curiosity to understand one’s own life has now become a full-time passion, and the author is a practicing Astrologer and Teacher. Vedic Astrology is a deep and vast subject and one lifetime is not enough to understand all the layers it offers. The author is a committed lifetime student of Vedic Astrology.  மேலும் வாசிக்க...


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Books by Aparnaa N Raje

Vedic Astrology is a complex subject and one needs to consider various aspects to conclude on a native’s horoscope. This book is an attempt to offer the basic steps in a simplified manner to analyze the horoscope at an elementary level. It is important to understand the mythological stories for each planet, to understand the effects it has on a chart. Therefore, you will find that this book is a mix of mythology, and process towards analyzing a chart.

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