
Rashmi Aradhya is a proud single mom to a 24-year-old and has been an artist for over 30 years, constantly exploring different mediums to better understand herself. She’s also a counsellor and art therapist in Bangalore, where she loves working with kids, using art to help them express their emotions and heal. A big foodie and travel enthusiast, Rashmi enjoys discovering new places and whipping up delicious meals in the kitchen. Her passion for creativity, food, and adventure comes through in everything she does, whether she’s making art or helping others on their personal journeys. மேலும் வாசிக்க...


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Books by Rashmi Aradhya

Colors and words helped an artist and counsellor navigate the challenges of cancer. This book shares her artwork and journal entries as she documented her journey, from the moment she found out about her diagnosis to six months after surgery. It’s a powerful look at how creativity supported her healing and recovery from trauma.

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Books by Rashmi Aradhya

Colors and words helped an artist and counsellor navigate the challenges of cancer. This book shares her artwork and journal entries as she documented her journey, from the moment she found out about her diagnosis to six months after surgery. It’s a powerful look at how creativity supported her healing and recovery from trauma.

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படக்கோப்பின் அதிகபட்ச அளவு: 5 MB
ஏற்கும் படக்கோப்பு வடிவம்: .jpg, .jpeg, .png.