God's Grace

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God’s Grace

Few days earlier I read in the Daily Excelsior an article titled “Gods Work” in which the author had analysed the terrorism in J&K State, spanning for more than three decades. During this period our political leadership had coined a phrase “terrorists have no religion”. It appears to be a pleasing platitude of these crafty politicians who do not want to disturb their vote bank, impervious to what the consequential damage will accrue to the Nation. The misnomer requires immediate correction.

Majority of our people would affirm the assertion that terrorism is actually a brainchild and an offshoot of the religion, and that we shirk calling a spade a spade. The fact is that the terrorists are more religious than any common citizens. Terrorists, mainly foreign origin, profess a religion and even depend largely on the tacit support of co-religionists here, otherwise, how it could be possible for them to have survived and also continued militancy so long in a foreign land.

Meek and docile have always suffered at the hands of crafty and crooked. One has to revisit and recall only few of the multitudes of events of history in order to affirm the veracity, where foreign transgressors, devoid of probity, invaded us, destroyed our culture and ruled our country for centuries. They committed innumerable atrocities on our people while spreading their own religion, and forcibly converting the natives.

What Mahmud of Gajjani did with our most venerated Hindu temple ‘SomNath’ and its devotees in the year 1024 AD, is a sordid story in the recorded history. About 50000 innocent Hindus were slaughtered in front of the holy image of lord Shiva before breaking the holy Lingam. The perpetrator of this mayhem staunchly professed a particular religion, and what is more, this peace loving religion has no words of regret, leave aside atonement of any sort.

Then, in the year 1193 AD another lover of his religion, Qutub ud din Aibak destroyed Benares, the most sacred and oldest Hindu city. In 1194 AD, after the capturing Bihar fortress, he destroyed the world famous seat of learning ‘Nalanda University’ and burnt its largest manuscript library. Not satisfied, he mercilessly slaughtered all the teachers and scholars of the university inside the campus itself, meaning thereby that no other religion may exist except what he himself professed. Is there any doubt regarding the religion of the perpetrator?

What Mughals had done during their four hundred years of rule of this country is very well known. It is a known fact that the Mughal King Aurangzeb did not touch his food till he converted a set daily target of Hindus into Islam. He slaughtered his own brothers and imprisoned his old and invalid father, and there after embarked upon this onerous ‘God’s work’ adopting most egregious of methods of torture and terrorism. He is considered a hero and epitome of this peace loving religion. There is not even a word of denouncement by any of the right thinking co-religionists.

In recent times the terrorism graph is going up and entire civilised world looks aghast as to where this so called peace loving religion ‘Islam’ is heading for? It will be a matter of exception, if somebody says that Osama Bin Laden, Mullah Omar, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, Ayman Zawhery, Hafiz Sayed Memon and so many others profess no religion. In fact these people and their organisations are highly religious where macabre methods of torture are being invented to help achieve their ends. The religious fanatics gloat on the frenzy of terror they can perpetrate on innocents. In the recent past, in our neighbourhood, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, set an example as the ‘good terrorists’, by badly mutilating an Indian pilot while being a prisoner of war. When his mutilated body was handed over, the world looked shocked, and poor parents did not have the heart to even pass a glimpse on their martyred son. On the other hand, India handed over about 98 thousand Pakistani Prisoners of War, who surrendered during 1971 war, absolutely intact and well fed. A young and innocent Pashto girl, Malala yusufzai was shot at point blank range by the diehard of the religion just because she wanted to attend her school, defying the edicts of the ‘good terrorists’ and so called protectors of Islam. It was god’s grace that the girl not only survived but is now the youngest Nobel Laureate in the world and probably first from Pakistan. In another act of ‘bravery’, more than 200 school-going kids were butchered in Pakistan, and more recently, some University scholars were killed by none other than the ones who claim to be doing the ‘God’s work’. And still the famous poet Dr Mohammad Iqbal, is being revered for his fustian Urdu poems, “Shikwa, and Jawbe-Shikwa”, firstly, shikwa blames God or Allah for the deplorable condition of his brethren, and subsequently, expressing remorse in Jawabe-Shikwa, is just wistful and naive realism. Doesn’t it demand some introspection?

Our politicians may be advised to shun the vote-politics and stop coining new terminologies, thus, rendering a tacit support to vested interests by favouring the wrongs and base policies in order to appease their vote-bank. Any attempt to demean the National-narrative needs to be curbed, whether it amounts to curbing of freedom of speech or otherwise. Stop prevarication of our people, instead correct your own perceptions so as to streamline the thought process, co-relating to the welfare and dignity of the country. If not then be ready to be decimated by the ISIS or any other jihadist organisation. The tell-tales are already visible in Kashmir where the politico-religious games are played by adopting different postures to create any mishap and thus vitiate atmosphere by using a lethal mix of distorted facts and fiction infused in the psyche of the community. Hyderabad, JNU, Patil, and Jat reservation issues rocked the country and shook its belief of ‘Unity in Diversity’. Our “Law and Order” is mute spectator of arson, loot and damage to public property, and as an excuse, a high-level inquiry ensues; as time-pass. Majority of the politicians are moneyed elite of our country, deep into corruption, loot, and financial imbroglio, committing the debauchery of faith reposed in them by millions of voters.

Pritam Singh Aithmian


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