Bhooshan Nagaokar


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Shivaji, the Divine Maratha

Books by Bhooshan Nagaokar

Shivaji, the Divine Maratha, is a descriptive and historical account of the warrior king who kindled the flame of national rejuvenation or Swarajya in the 17th century on the Indian subcontinent. It is a story of son of a medieval jagirdar who rallies natives in their quest to gain freedom from dominant foreign rulers on their soil. The book describes Shivaji's journey, his struggle against the Bijapuris, the Mughals and other foreign powers in the region. It als

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Books by M.G. RANADE

Justice M.G. Ranade attributes the rise of Marathas as a genuine attempt of people at retain cultural heritage, achieve national regeneration, and throw off the yolk of foreign dominance from their regional soil. He narrates the rise of leaders backed by the spiritual quotient nurtured by saints which helped in transforming trivial hill tribes into mighty warriors. In this book is highlighted the rise of Maratha king Shivaji as a civil and just ruler in the most

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