Ayush Sharma

BBA student, poet, writer, storyteller, singer and a doodler
BBA student, poet, writer, storyteller, singer and a doodler


Our Story

Books by Ayush Sharma

This book is for my love, one and only Komal. My Life.

This book is filled with moments throughout the past 1 year and 8 months which have been nothing but pure bliss. I can remember the first time I met you like it was yesterday. I can perfectly imagine the smile you flashed after our first kiss. That day I honestly had no idea you would be so important to me. I am so lucky to have met you almost 2 years ago and to be dating you since then we have alr

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प्यार क्या होता है?

Books by आयुष शर्मा

यह प्यार क्या होता है?
क्या एक तलक छू लेने से,
उसको यूँ पा लेने से,
अपना बना लेने से,
प्यार होजाता है?

क्या ज़रूरी है,

प्यार है तो साथ भी होगा।

क्या ज़रूरी है प्यार दिल स

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Everything I Ever Wanted To Say And Rhyme!

Books by Ayush Sharma

Cold skin with a dark side, Where lost souls were trying to hide. They've come to chase the ride, Which Demons have started To begin a fight. Falling in love and shining the light, Were old-fashioned or malware aside. Fighting the evens, we've become odds. Love is nowhere, hate is all along. We've seen the darkness in the lights. Capturing herself and taking the rights. Angels are not virgins anymore. They are the truth but lied on all along. There'

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