Prakhar Jain

Practicing Chartered Accountant, Writer and Public Speaker
Practicing Chartered Accountant, Writer and Public Speaker

I am an Avid Reader, keen writer and a public speaker. GST is one of my passions as well as skill. I have studied the GST law in great detail and have founded ‘GSTINATION’ web portal to help people understand GST easily and properly. You can find my lectures on almost all chapters covered in this book on the YouTube channel 'GSTINATION', totally free of cost. I also host a lot of other videos there! Feel free to reach me out at!Read More...


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The Simplified Indian GST Law

Books by Prakhar Jain

This book covers the pillars of the Indian GST Law – The Central GST (CGST) Act, the CGST Rules, the Integrated GST (IGST) Act, as well as the UTGST Act and the Compensation to States Act. A Concise, logical and simplified re-writing of the law, the book combines the Act & Rules seamlessly, giving the readers a comprehensive understanding. Great efforts have been made to minimize the length of the book by eliminating unnecessary redundancy. The salient feature

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