Rajesh Kumar Mishra

Author and Writer
Author and Writer

Writer Pandit Rajesh Kumar Mishra did graduation exam from M.D. P. G. College. Passed in economics and Post graduate degree from P.B.College Pratapgarh. And service to parents, devotion to God and eternal culture. He is deeply interested in human life and other living beings on earth and has conducted a deep analysis of the objectives of human life while closely analyzing life. Along with service, business and management committee MEMBER (P.R.)of intermediate school located in Delhi he has worked as a member of the National Executive while doing social work and continues to contribute in the fRead More...


ब्राह्मण पुराण

Books by लेखक पंडित राजेश कुमार मिश्रा

लेखक पंडित राजेश कुमार मिश्रा द्वारा लिखित ब्राह्मण पुराण एक जीवन उपयोगी महत्वपूर्ण सूक्ति एवं सिद्धांत संग्रह है जिसके माधयम से लेखक ने मनुष्य जीवन को यथार्थ कर सदुपयोगी बन

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