Meghna Mukherjee

Psychologist cum writer
Psychologist cum writer

Being a psychologists by profession, I have come across stories as being the most important tool when it comes to releaving oneself. As a voracious reader myself, I have come to the understanding that to deal with any issues in life, book can be the best friend. And if you could pen down your thoughts, there is no better medicine on earth. My son was my biggest source of inspiration who would urge me to tell a new story all the time, and lsitened to them with super enthusiasm. There started my journey as a writer.  Read More...


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Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Have you ever felt trapped by your thoughts or actions?

What happens when our actions trap us? Can we break free?

A  psychopath on the loose and a shrink who is committed to his client. What will happen when they meet?

Will Dr. Roy understand that he is trapped or gets trapped and ends up being a victim

Caution: Read but don’t get trapped yourself

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The Last Local

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Where is the last local heading?

What happens when Kirti Ahuja, receives a pink slip and feels dejected?

What will be her next step and why is she heading towards the last local?

 How will Kirti overcome the feeling of being dejected and what is in the local that would change her situation?

Are you ready to ride in the last local with Kirti and enter into another world? Book your tickets before the last local

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Happiness in a Jar

Books by Meghna. A. Mukherjee

A guide to living happily through small exercises. Practical, real-life stories that add happiness and help you realise your sources of happiness

Simple everyday exercises that can be done anywhere and anytime.

Happiness in a Jar

Are you ready to find your happiness Jar?

Wish you good luck and lifelong happiness.

Meghna Mukherjee

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Who is thy Neighbour?

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

How well do you know your neighbour?

Are your kids safe with your neighbours?

Rinki Chopra, one of the twin children born to the Chopra couple. A happy go, intelligent and smart young girl, a kind of favourite to the teachers and neighbours as well, suddenly disappear at the age of 5 years. The parents and the cops leave no stone unturned to find this kid, but she just disappeared in the air, whereby she was not traceable. And then suddenly aft

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Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Emotions are a part and parcel of life.

How do you deal with emotions that pull you down?

Do you give in to the emotions and let it SCAR you?

What are the techniques you use?

Punch It Out techniques are techniques that will help you deal with your emotions before they turn into a SCAR.

Simple day to day techniques

Unique and Simple to do techniques

Anytime and full proof techniques

Can be practice

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Books by Meghna Mukherjee

A  young school boy convicted of murdering his father and sister but is found in a paranoid state and recovering in the asylum. Therapy provided but he just does not wish to speak.

Only talks about ruined relics and finding someone.

Who is this someone??

Why is a businessman receving threat from an unknown person.

Is the threatener really unknown?

Is the boy in the asylum, the one who is pretending, or is he really

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Is the Child in You Alive?

Books by Madobhi Mukherjee

Have you lost your innocence while you have grown up?

Have you felt at any point of time that life would be much easier if you could be a child again.

This book will help you go back to your good olden days, back as a child, even though you are an adult or a Parent.

The book stresses on you bringing out the child that is lost deep within you.

Through cases, the counselor has tried to help you keep the lost child in you alive.

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The Fighting Alphabets

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Fight and Ego and the feeling of importance is something which every child feels and wants at one point of time. The need for importance is very high when the child is at the toddler stage. Hoew they fight it, and get it deserves on many factors and most importantly the environment and the reaction they get for their behaviour. Here teaching them through the Alphabets, how to gain importance and how to feel important too.

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The Deluded Mind

Books by Madobhi Mukherjee

Mind is delusional and it cannot differentiate between fantasy and reality. Mind can make you play games in a way that you may not be aware of it also. Nihaan Mistry, the popular author of a mystery genre is delusioned by his mind and is not aware of the games he is playing till justice brings him to bay. Is Nihaan Mistry really committing the crime?

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Haathi Raja

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Elephant is children's best friend. Any child loves to hear the stories of the elephant. And loves to enact the sound and walk of the elephant too. Here is a story that teaches children morals and ways they should behave and that through with the looks of an elephant. Learn and grow or get punished like an elephant. Make a choice children... Learn and grow

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The Lion Series

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Children learn from stimulus's around them. What they see, what they hear is very important. Animals play a very important role for children to learn in a fun and happy way. This series has two sets of stories teaching children two aspects: Friendship and Shyness. Happy reading and happy learning all with a roar

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Why go to School?

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Toddlers who have to begin school, a new venture just cant accept being away from home. As parents we find it difficult to make them understand. This illustrated book a type of conversation and comparison by a kid will ease the task of Parents. Read it now to your kids.

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The Witty Birbal Vol: 2

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Witty is the word, which is the most needed in todays generation. Read few Birbal stories and understand his way, but find your own witty ways. Happy reading

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The Witty Birbal. Vol 1

Books by Madobhi Mukherjee

Short stories on Birbal, the witty man. Read through them and enjoy the stories, and see if you can use them in your day to day life and issues. Or else just enjoy the short stories and share it with your friends.

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Junior learns to eat

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Food time is a big time issue at home for all parents. Whatever the age of the child, fuss over food is the concern of every mother. A short illustrated book that will teach children the importance of food Read it aloud or skim through the pictures. Either ways, A happy and easy way to learn

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Junior learns about Dreams

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Dreams is a basic factor in the life of a human. But what exactly is a dream? We find it difficult to explain to a kid. This illustrated book will take the child through a dreamland and will help them learn the concepts easily. Read it aloud and love the pictures while learning. Happy Reading

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Junior wishes Moon A Happy Birthday

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Birthdays are a special day for any child. Innocent that they are, they wish to share their joy with near and dear ones. This illustrated story talks about how a boy wishes to know when is the moons Birthday Do you know when is the moons birthday. Read and see the pictures to find out all by yourself

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Junior learns the Magical words

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Kids get everything whenever they ask for. Hence it is very difficult to teach them to ask for it and show gratitude once they receive it. This book, with illustrations would make teaching simpler fr you and your kids will learn faster than ever. Read it aloud and show them the pictures and see how quick they learn. Learn the Magical way...

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Junior learns not to be afraid of the dark

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Just like adults, kids are afraid of the dark too. Only that they need a strong explanation, and not sleekly fear instilled. So here is a pictorial illustration teaching kids how to not be afraid of the dark. Read it aloud or show them the pictures. Either ways A Happy Learning...

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Junior learns to keep his things safely

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Kids have a habit of losing their things. The main reason being a messed up room. This illustrated book teaches kids how important it is to keep our things safe and our room and things organized. Read it aloud or show the pictures. In either ways, the kid learns

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Bed-Time Stories

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Kids learn best when taught to them in the form of stories. But every day a new story, seems next to impossible. And kids hate repetitions. This book presents same stories but with a fresh look. Read it loudly to the kids and see them enjoy every moment of it. Happy reading and learning..

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Junior Learns Patience

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Kids are quite impatient. Zap Zoom goes any task they are given. This is a short illustrated book teaching kids to be patient. And what best than drawing Have fun reading

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Junior learns about Sharing

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

One of the other good habits parents die to teach their kids is all about Sharing. Kids just love to snatch toys from other kids. That is a game for them. This series focuses on simple and easy methods to learn to share. read it to the toddlers so that they can learn better. Added to it are the pictures that will help the toddlers learn all by themselves. Happy learning....

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Junior learns Self Love

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Kids always find it difficult to accept themselves as they are. They always compare themselves to others. Parents find it difficult to explain them that they are the best the way they are. Here is a short illustrative story which will help kids learn that they are the best that way they are

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Junior learns about Sleeping

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Making a toddler sleep is like a nightmare for any parent. Tell stories, sing a song and the routine goes on and on. Making life simple is this book. The book through real life examples teaches the toddler to sleep on time. The pictorial representation helps the kids learn all about sleeping on their own. Happy reading and learning

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Junior receives a Magical Gift

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Kids love receiving gifts. Best when it is magical. This gift is special and it teaches the kids not to be too greedy Read it to your kids today, so that they learn the best value of the gift they receive Enjoy the pictures along with the lesson one learns

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Junior learns about cleanliness

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

A child at home, means a messed up home. And teaching the child to take care of his belongings is a task. Making learning simpler is this book at your aid. With the help of simple naturalistic examples and with pictures supporting it, kids will learn by listening as well as seeing pictures. Happy learning

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Junior learns to be safe

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Safety is one of the most important aspect for children these days. Kids being very active and friendly, they love being outdoors and parents find it too difficult to control the kids. So here presenting a book with pictures explaining how important is "Being Safe". Read it and show it to your kids, so that you can be peaceful that your child is safe too.

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Gender Conflict

Books by Madobhi Mukherjee

Happy and madly in love couple who the neighbours envied, suddenly falls apart. They still loved each other, but something was terribly wrong. The man was tired of his manliness and wanted to transform himself into the world of womanhood. What will the wife do? Will she allow the transformation? Will she leave him? Will she face the world when they question her? From a simple merry go round family ride to a topsy turvy ride who wins Mr Sujit

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Who is my Mother?

Books by Madobhi Mukherjee

Who is my Mother? A short story throwing light on the relationship between a child and his grandmother (maternal grandmother). Beautiful cherished moments that can be shared in this relationship only. Makes one think, “Who is my mother”? The question can be asked by both the sides... The child and as well as the mother Who do you think is the Mother?

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Story time Kids

Books by Meghna Mukherjee

Short and easy to read stories. Kids love to read stories. And these stories would be an easy read for them. Easy to read all by themselves. Short stories for Parents too, who have to recite a new story all the time. Fresh ideas, surrounded by nature, keeps the listening mind active. Enjoy reading and narrating the stories

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Faulty Analysis

Books by Madobhi Mukherjee

Murder and the convict is caught with all the evidences to prove they are the murderers. But what if the evidences are tampered with Read to find out how Faulty Analysis of the crime scene led to the entry of a mysterious detective to help the convict

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The Murder Weapon

Books by Madobhi Mukherjee

Murder all around the town but with no evidence? Who is the killer?

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