Akshara Gupta


Akshara Gupta, a 16-year-old girl, born in India and raised in the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, and South Africa. Growing up, she has always loved books and everything about them. She has lately developed an interest in writing them, as well. As she's been exposed to many regions and cultures of the world, with many experiences at hand, she chooses to express herself in a peculiar manner and likes to put in efforts to bring out the best in her writing. Luck in a Locket, being her very first novel, is one that will boost her to write and publish many more books in the future.Read More...


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Luck in a Locket

Books by Akshara Gupta

“Luck has found me.”

Luck is a powerful double-sided force, which began in the middle-ages, produced magic and grew stronger. This luck became too compelling to harness and, therefore, led to the decay of the future.

Stevie and his organization seek help from Alison Rivera and Juliana Lea to solve the disastrous calamities that await and restore the luck that had grown out of hand in the first place.

What do Alison and Juliana, the dau

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