Civil Structural Designer, Collector & Writer
Civil Structural Designer, Collector & Writer


The Four Rules

Books by Hatim Saleem

"To the ones reading this, may you find the courage, joy, and love contained within these pages."

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Relished Verses

Books by Hatim Saleem

This analects of quotes is a selection of some pre-formulated ideas and quotes, ready for instant use in the appropriate situations. Hope you all find it inspiring and loving, and find some of the quotes or verses worth remembering.

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Structures Illustrated

Books by Hatim Saleem

From The Great Pyramid of Egypt to The Hanging Garden of Babylon to the Taj Mahal and Eiffel Tower to Burj Khalifa, these are some of the human made marvelous civil and structural construction, which has been built over the years. This volume contains 20 Civil Marvels which contains overview of structure, structural details of the same and some more interesting facts about that structure.

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Season of Our Love

Books by Hatim Saleem

In this book I have gathered various quotes and poems of our love, for our love, about our love, with love, to my love, hoping that you will enjoy reading my work.

Hope you will find this a little guide to our love and its journey quite mesmerizing, and find some of the quotes or verses worth remembering.

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An Invisible October

Books by Hatim Saleem

An Invisible October – A Symphony of life & love is a timeless collection of life and love quotes and poems that are relatively adjusted as the reader can easily find in this book. This edition of book has more than 1000+ quotes about love and affection and life inspiring quotes in organised manner collected from various sources, also has some of the selected featured writer’s work of the same genre.

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Books by Hatim Saleem

This is a collection of hundreds of quotes, poems & verses from all nations and all ages ranges from the ancient time philosophers & writers to the modern writers and other personalities with addition of some featured writers and poets all across. The analects of quotes, poems & verses in this book are complied from the vairious individuals who has quoted these inspiring, motivating and uplifting quotes.

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Anthological Motivation

Books by Hatim Saleem

‘Anthological Motivation’ is a gathering of condensed and striking poems and sayings collected from books, novels, speeches, etc. from various personalities across the world. This book has more than 100 verses and sayings that shows the power of motivation, uplifting and self-improvement of the person. From various sources the choicest thoughts & poems have been called, forming a work which, it is hoped, may be of permanent value as in advancement of public i

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Something to Remember

Books by Hatim Saleem

‘Something to Remember’ is a gathering of condensed and striking poems and sayings collected from books, novels, speeches, etc. from various personalities across the world. This book has more than 100 poems and sayings that focuses on modern, classic and ancient poems and poets. From various sources the choicest thoughts & poems have been called, forming a work which, it is hoped, may be of permanent value as in advancement of public interest. You may have re

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Don't Let it Go

Books by Hatim Saleem

In this book the quotes that are selected from ‘Quotation Treasure’ are about Love, Affection, and Family & Friends. From various sources the choicest thoughts have been called, forming a work which, it is hoped, may be of permanent value as in advance of any manual of the kind thus far even given to the public. The labour of preparing this work has been great journey. I hope that the work done by me in gathering quote may be a source of pleasure and profit t

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Don't Forget to Grow

Books by Hatim Saleem

‘Don’t Forget to Grow’ is not – like any quotation dictionaries – a subjective anthology of arranged quotes in alphabetical order of author or subject, but an objective selection of random quotations which are most widely known and used. Popularity and familiarity of the quotes are the only criteria for inclusion, although no reader is likely to be familiar with all the quotations and thoughts in this book. Many times in life something’s happens for a

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Hold on to Your Happiness

Books by Hatim Saleem

Hold onto your Happiness has quotes about happiness and grateful you should be for the life. It is not – like any quotation dictionaries – a subjective anthology of arranged quotes in alphabetical order of author or subject, but an objective selection of random quotations which are most widely known and used. Popularity and familiarity of the quotes are the only criteria for inclusion, although no reader is likely to be familiar with all the quotations and th

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Experiment with Life

Books by Hatim Saleem

Experiment with Life is not – like any quotation dictionaries – a subjective anthology of arranged quotes in alphabetical order of author or subject, but an objective selection of random quotations which are most widely known and used. In this book the quotes are selected from ‘Quotation Treasure’ about life and experimenting your life to achieve your goals and be happy in your life.

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Have a Plan B for Success

Books by Hatim Saleem

Have a Plan B for success is a collection of quotes from various sources the choicest thoughts have been called, forming a work which, it is hoped, may be of permanent value as in advance of any manual of the kind thus far even given to the public. Popularity and familiarity of the quotes are the only criteria for inclusion, although no reader is likely to be familiar with all the quotations and thoughts in this book. It is the part of previous published book 'Qu

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Civil Marvels

Books by Hatim Saleem

From The Great Pyramid of Egypt to The Hanging Garden of Babylon to the Taj Mahal and Eiffel Tower to Burj Khalifa, these are some of the human made marvelous civil and structural construction, which has been built over the years. This volume contains 20 Civil Marvels which contains overview of structure, structural details of the same and some more interesting facts about that structure.

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Quotation Treasure


Quotation Treasure is a gathering of the condensed and striking thoughts of the world’s best thinkers on important and interesting subjects from speeches, texts books and other collection of quotes. This type of collection of thoughts was begun by the writers more than a century year ago, as a matter of personal interest and for personal use and reference, with no thought of publication. This book might be a treasury of the world’s best and most striking thou

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