Sudipta Biswas

Sports Journalist | Author
Sports Journalist | Author

Sudipta Biswas is a sports journalist since 2014. He started his journey from the grassroots level covering the uncovered - university sports- in Kolkata. A moving encyclopaedia, Sudipta cares deeply about the history, insights, facts, stories and people that make sports amazing. Studying and working in different parts of the country for the last six years, Sudipta is a very well-travelled scribe now. He has been writing, reporting and pursuing answers to questions concerning the state of Indian sports and its progress.    Sudipta has previously worked with media organisations like Ei Samay,Read More...



Books by Sudipta Biswas

MISSION GOLD - India's Quest for Olympic Glory is a book for everyone who loves sports. This book searches for answers to those questions that revolve around India's Olympic affairs. Do you know India's Olympic history is as old as Japan's? So, where do these two Asian economic giants stand on the all-time Olympic performance list? 

Why does India fail in the Olympics? Or how much progress has India made in Olympic sports over the last 100 years?

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