Vd. Santosh Irayya Swami

Professor and HOD, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, MES Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Ghanekhunt-Lote, Tal- Khed, Dist- Ratnagiri, Maharashtra
Professor and HOD, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, MES Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Ghanekhunt-Lote, Tal- Khed, Dist- Ratnagiri, Maharashtra


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Books by Vd. Swami V. S. Vd. Swami S. I.

I wanted to select such a subject for my study that which has a great importance now a days, which has no authentic medicine to reverse the process of the disease. Mukhadushika such a disease, that 90 % young generation is affected by this problem, Advanced technology and advanced science has made considerable efforts in understanding aetio- pathology of this disease. Thus there is no known cure for the disease, patient gets marginal relief. Topical steroids or r

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Books by वै. शिरसाठ एस. आय. वै. स्वामी एस. आय.

आजच्या बदललेल्या जीवनशैलीमुळे आहार-विहारा संबंधी योग्य नियम न पाळल्याने, इंद्रियांचे मिथ्यायोग आदींमुळे प्रजोत्पादक अवयव तथा प्रजोत्पादना संबंधी समस्या वाढलेल्या आहेत. त्य

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Books by Vd. S. I. Swami Vd. S. I. Shirsath

Health is defined in Ayurveda as soundness of body organs and mind does shareera (the body) Mana (the mind) and Atma (the soul), the tripods of life receive equal attention for achievement of sound health. Ayurveda is not a science dealing with only drugs, it is more way of life and describes method for promotion prolongation and maintenance of positive health. It emphasizes the importance of specific daily routine, Dinacharya and seasonal regimen, Ritucharya al

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