


How To Write Your First Book

Books by #Bala_MV

How to write your first book is completely made for people willing to take their first step towards writing. In this book I’ll bring you a detailed explanation on how to get into writing. Since this book is completely for beginners I’ve split the context of this book into 2 parts. In first part I’ve explained about the key factors to get into writing what to do, what not to do, language, genre, style and many more….. In Second part I’ve explained about

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Vow of a foodie

By Balaji in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 525 | Likes: 0

#soarum_nanum_amudhum_tamilum I feel disgraced. I really felt like someone pluck the gulab jamun when it is half way travelling towards my mouth the momentshe said like that.Yes she is my aaal. Oneside aaal.we are playing hotseat in our team and one dhandakarumam girl asked her expect  Read More...

Published on Jun 13,2020 03:12 PM

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