Atharva Tapadiya



The budding leaves of poesy

Books by Atharva Tapadiya

These trifles are collected and republished chiefly with many improvements. I am naturally anxious that what I have written is going to be circulated all around.for this, to say that this book is completely mine would be totally untrue. At best, this book was my dream that you are holding in your hand now.
With me, poetry has not been a purpose but a passion and passion should be held with reverence. And yes, this passion can never be excited.
Now, aft

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Books by Atharva Tapadiya

This book is the outcome of master Atharva Tapadiya`s efforts towards the field of poetry. My request to all the readers is that you should apply these facts you should apply all this facts in your real life to make your life better and understand the feelings. All the poems are made on some or other experiences. I must thank my parents, teachers, sister & friends for their courteous and helpful support. Thanks for reading.

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