Through the snowclad lanes of the Kargil sector, walked a young officer of twenty-two. His face wore a strange hue of valour and pride. Captain Saurabh Kalia from the 4 Jat Regiment was ordered to investigate the position of the snow in the vacant posts at the LOC with his team of army men. Amidst the chilly snowfall, the fraudulent hands of Pakistan captured them with guile and took them into captivity. Brutally tortured and subjected to inhuman torment, they
The anthology named, The Dark Wings depicts many aspects of life an individual goes through including the blessings/ happy moments or the difficulties that come by, that’s when they trust their wings to break through the obstacles and reach their destination.
During our life, we come across different paths leading to their respective destinations through many hurdles. It would be a lie to say life is easy; it was never supposed to be, huma
We all have a dark side that defines the real us. Sometimes, our masked, ostentatious selves overshadow that dark side. "The Abominable Priest" is an attempt to depict a few astonishingly thought-provoking literary creations in one place. This anthology delineates sixty different dimensions of the dark nature of our existence and our surroundings.
It is an anthology, a combination of different
poetry, quotes, articles, and short stories scripted out
from the hearts of talented writers. The writers
are from different parts of the world and of the
the different age group which has been brought together
to make this book so beautiful and thoughtful.
This book not only builds faith in love for the
readers but also writers get a platform to share their
thoughts and virtues on
As the name suggests this book dwells upon the rapid thoughts that our mind encounters every single moment. We remain idle but our mind always keeps itself engaged in manoeuvring thoughts sometimes exquisite, sometimes bizarre.
At times thoughts ignite the candle in the darkness and remove the clouds of calamity. Be it dreaming of flying like birds, embracing horizon, challenging the storms, chasing our shadows or talking with the inexistent things o
The Thoughts of Heart consists of English as well as Hindi poetries of different writers. "The Thoughts of Heart” is defined as the best and the most beautiful things in the world which cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart. It also shows that Love is not between a man and a woman, but it is between two beautiful hearts and no beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart. This book contains write up of different co-author
"दिल से बंधी एक डोर जो दिल तक जाती है, प्यार के बंधन बांध जाती है" "बंधन रिश्तों के" "एक एहसास जो लगने लगे बेहद खास जब कोई अपना हो दिल के पास" बेहद अजीज होते है ये बंधन रिश्तों के, कुछ नाम
Diwali is known as the festival of lights, lamps, sparkle and spirituality. During Diwali, Hindus, Sikhs and Jains celebrate the festival in a way that describes the triumph of good over evil and justice over oppression. As we all know that corona pandemic has disturbed the whole world. Our economy is decreasing day by day. Many people lost their lives due to coronavirus. The wonderful write-ups by our co-authors remind us that eventually, the light will preva
This book is all about poetries consisting of love, romance, fiction, and social issues. Few are based on hot and current debated topics around the table these days.
Readers would be able to relate the poetries to their life and can dedicate to their loved ones or can express their love or pain to the near and dear ones. I tried my best to give the various flavour of poetry altogether.
To the lovers of books..
अधूरे जज़्बात एक सच्चे प्रेम कहानी पर आधारित है। ये कहानी शुरू होती है एक सफर से जहाँ एक लड़की मोना अपने मन की उड़ान भरने पुडुचेरी गयी हुई थी, और वहाँ उसकी मुलाकात होती है राजीव से
"I am not scared of the dark, I am scared of the darkness that enters in my life to remove all the bright colours."
There are some relations you are blessed with by god's grace and some relations where you feel blessed. The difference holds the ties of your bonds.
Sameer, Himani, Dhruv, and Naira are youngsters who experience teen love unconditionally.
Trapped in walls of protection and security, Naira experiences her freedo
डोर क्या है अगर जिंदगी का एक छोटा रूप देखा जाए तो जिंदगी एक रिश्तों की कहानी है और हर रिश्ता एक डोर से बंधा हुआ होता है चाहे वो रिश्ता अपने मां बाप से हो चाहे प्यार का चाहे वह रिश्ता
An individual's mind is always full of contemplations. It all depends on us how and what we think.
The book name 'The Discursive-profound thoughts lie within' means that different style or diversity of thoughts and expressions which are deeply buried inside our heart.
Every writer in this book wants to convey his or her musing in the form of words which could be on the theme of love, society, motivation, nature etc.
It is a belief that
जज़्बात :
राबता है, दिल से रूह का ,
माहेरु है, है सुरूर सा ,
है पावन , है गुरूर भी
ये है ख्वाइश , है सुरूर भी ।
ज़र्रा ज़र्रा इस ज़रिया की बनावट है ,
कायनात!! जज़्बातों की ही
It is an anthology, a combination of different poetry, quotes, articles, and short stories scripted out from the hearts of 41 talented writers. The writers are from different parts of the world and of the different age group which has been brought together to make this book so beautiful and thoughtful.
This book is based on the concept to let the readers learn and witness
Feminism is all about the female gender, to be given equal rights and opportunities as given to male gender.
It was never a man v/s woman debate, but recognising the fact that both men and women should get equal opportunities in life. In-fact many great personalities believe that society, where woman are dishonoured is bound to see a doomsday soon. A woman is a pandora box of virtues and values. She is a spring of love, compassion, positivity and patie
“The eyes full of dreams,
Are the eyes that flicker
like a shining night sky."
We all have dreams, that give us power to keep going. The power of positivity. The strength to work harder. The beleive the achieve...
Dream Diaries is the collection of those dreams, which are residing in eyes of many people around the world. This is a book where you will feel the serenity of dreams. The beauty it holds, i
This Anthology was impossible without the help of the co-authors of this book. They have worked day and night to write the best possible content they can.
Compiled By: Saumya Chauhan
L'AMOUR, a book filled with emotions and feelings of love. What actually our life is, without love?
Can you even imagine a place where one could live without love and emotions? Love is comprised of diverse shades.
Seven colours of the rainbow, every drop of rain, the fragrance of soil after rain, greenery of spring, the beauty of flowers, pearls inside the deep ocean, and the beautiful sky filled with stars and the moon, they all define t
This book is about healing how self-love heals you and makes you strong and wide.
Have faith in God because God lives everywhere even in your broken heart. If you fall then don’t worry believe in your dreams, and start again. Again doesn’t mean that you are wasting your time it means that you are believing in your dreams and following your path
L'AMOUR, a book filled with emotions and feelings of love. What actually our life is, without love?
Can you even imagine a place where one could live without love and emotions? Love is comprised of diverse shades.
Seven colours of the rainbow, every drop of rain, the fragrance of soil after rain, greenery of spring, the beauty of flowers, pearls inside the deep ocean, and the beautiful sky filled with stars and the moon, they all define t
This is a very first book by the author, which is the collection of poetry and verses.
This book is a compilation of poems of love, life, motivation and hope.
The author has followed her creative mind and listened to her own heart.
This is her attempt to pen down her first poems, which are very close to her heart.
जज़्बात मनुष्य की संरचना का बहुत अहम हिस्सा होते हैं। आज के इस युग में जब मशीन और कृतिम प्रज्ञता यानी “Artificial Intelligence” बहुत जोरों पर है तब जज़्बात उन कुछ दुर्लभ चीजों में से हैं जो हमें उ�
"Gender Equality - The Fundamental Right of Everyone" well present in Indian constitution as well but still not given to the society specifically. We have compiled this anthology to show a mirror to the society only.
Everyone has their pricks and wounds related to gender inequality but afraid to share them. Every member of the society faced this partiality and prejudices once in a lifetime of course.
This anthology is not only confined to
"आपके अल्फ़ाज़" के रूप में कविताओं का यह संकलन आपके सामने प्रस्तुत करते हुए मैं बहुत ही उत्साहपूर्ण व हर्षपूर्ण महसूस कर रही हूं।
यह संकलन मेरे सभी सह लेखकों को समर्पित है, जिन
The book “The Struggling Soul”, revolves around the different aspects of life. Joy & Sorrows, Difficulties & Problems, Happiness & Sadness, loneliness, business, all these feelings are described in this book. From birth to death, the ageing journey, from love to hatred, from win to lose & from waking up happy, early morning, with hope or with a belief to end the evenings with sadness and those long-lasting nights, everything is written beautifully in this
The book's name "An Awaiting Soul" stands for the deep, connecting thoughts of many souls. The souls who wrote their feelings expressing their pain, happiness, gratitude, love, attachment and many more. This anthology would make readers connect to their self. The book contains writeups which may bring a change in thoughts.
TENDERNESS OF EMOTIONS is a collection of Poetry in English and Hindi. We have written nothing in this book that is not known or hasn't been talked about before. All we have tried is to pen down the most evitable, the most experienced and known yet the most mystical and powerful energy that surrounds us, " LOVE" . Life's journey is a mixed bag of joy and sorrow, count each step and count your blessings. If you love someone express it...You never know when they