INDRANIL mukherjee


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Nectar (Colour Edition)

Books by Indranil Mukherjee

This book is a beautiful harvest of sincere academic pursuit of a matured life.

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Books by Indranil Mukherjee

This book is a beautiful harvest of sincere academic pursuit of a matured life.

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Yama- Nachiketa anecdote ( story from Katha Upanishad)

By INDRANIL mukherjee in Supernatural | Reads: 5,982 | Likes: 0

In ancient India , there lived a sage named Bajasraba Gotama.  Uddalaka, his son decided to perform one sacrifice which was famous by the name as " Biswajit Yajna". In a Biswajit Yajna, one has has to give away everything in his possession.  One is called Biswajit, when he has conquered th  Read More...

Published on Oct 10,2022 04:42 PM

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