Ajay yadav



Quotes,notes,thoughts and ideas that are glimpses of inner and outer world.

Books by Ajay Yadav

This book is the collection of 381 Quotes, notes, thoughts,Ideas.It is all about writer's quotes,notes, thoughts, opinions and ideas based on his learning from family, friends, education,books, teachers, environment and his life with the lives of others.
This book also expresses various experiences,empathies,emotions,sensations,realizations etc. of life.In other words it expresses wave,stream,flow,ebb,tide of life, which may match with the feelings, emoti

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जीवन की अनुभूत कविताएँ

Books by अजय यादव

यह किताब जीवन की विभिन्न अनुभूतियों,समानुभूतियों,भावनाओं,संवेदनाओं,एहसासों इत्यादि को व्यक्त करती है।दूसरे शब्दों में जीवन की तरंग,लहर,धार,प्रवाह,ज्वार,भाटा को व्यक्त करती ह

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