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Books by Dr. P. Elamurugan

Electrical engineering (sometimes referred to as electrical and electronic engineering) is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. The field first became an identifiable occupation in the late nineteenth century with the commercialization of the electric telegraph and electrical power supply. The field now covers a range of sub-disciplines including those that deal with p

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Professional Ethics in Engineering

Books by Dr. P. Elamurugan

This book amply covers the revised syllabus of Anna University. Besides the codes of ethics of Indian professional societies, detailed risk analysis, crisp case studies, short-answer questions,  detailed questions with hints have been added to sustain the interest of the students. I believe the student community and the teaching fraternity will enjoy using this book. 

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புதிய பக்தி பாடல்கள்

Books by முனைவர்.பெ.இளமுருகன்

புதிய பக்தி பாடல்கள் என்னும் இந்நூல் இந்து சமய கடவுளர்களின் போற்றி வழிபட  படைக்கப்பட்டவை. முழுமுதற் கடவுளான விநாயகர்,தமிழ் கடவுள் முருகன், சிவன், துர்கா போன்ற  கடவுளை உ

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Micro Electro Mechanical Systems

Books by Dr. P. Elamurugan

This book aims to fortify the student clear knowledge an understanding of the fundamentals of Electrical, Electronics and their applications in Instrumentation Engineering. The book will also serve as a prerequisite for post graduate and specialized studies and research. This prologue to micro integrated system accentuate on applications in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. The book travel around the liaison between fundamental Integrated

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