Vardhan Goyal


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Science and Technology

Books by V. Goyal

Technology has undergone many changes throughout the years. Schools must be careful implementing technology in a balanced way because it can have many negative effects on children. Some examples may include the lack of privacy because they can share information to strangers and place them at risk of identity theft, cyberbullying, etc. In my opinion, children should use technology only when necessary and be cautious when using technology for social media purpos

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The 39th Mersenne prime

Books by Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search

The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) has discovered the largest known prime number, 282,589,933-1, having 24,862,048 digits. A computer volunteered by Patrick Laroche from Ocala, Florida made the find on December 7, 2018. The new prime number, also known as M82589933, is calculated by multiplying together 82,589,933 twos and then subtracting one. It is more than one and a half million digits larger than the previous record prime number.


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M39 The Largest Known Prime Number

Books by Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search

The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) currently offers a US$3,000 research discovery award for participants who download and run their free software and whose computer discovers a new Mersenne prime having fewer than 100 million digits.

There are several prizes offered by the Electronic Frontier Foundation for record primes.[7] GIMPS is also coordinating its long-range search efforts for primes of 100 million digits and larger and will split

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The Crison Oath

Books by Vardhan

28-year-old Susan Williams had given up on her life's ambition to become a computer programmer.

However, at a disco she discovers some stingy goblins trying to mug her virtuous mother, May Noris, and she decides it's time for change.

In need of some glasses and simple spells, incredible and hilarious Susan pops to Skegness for a bit of shopping.

Having led a cosy life, Susan finds herself unable to find simple spells in Skegness. So she

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