Amandeep Kaur


Introduction to Big Data and Analytics (Black and White Edition)

Books by Amandeep Kaur

Introduction to Big Data and Analytics book is good book for beginners and students. This book covers the following topics: introduction of big data its characteristics, hadoop , architecture of hadoop, hdfs , map reduce , sqoop, flume, hbase, hive, pig , spark, sql, nosql, mysql, mongodb along with some practical knowledge. This book is designed to provide the students brief knowledge of big data concepts.

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Introduction to Big Data and Analytics

Books by Amandeep Kaur

: Introduction to Big Data and Analytics book is good book for beginners and students. This book covers the following topics: introduction of big data its characteristics, hadoop , architecture of hadoop, hdfs , map reduce , sqoop, flume, hbase, hive, pig , spark, sql, nosql, mysql, mongodb along with some practical knowledge. This book is designed to provide the students brief knowledge of big data concepts.


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